This is an exceptional piece of work, if your computer is up to spec you should have no trouble with it. It's essentially a very strong idea, and clever use of existing technology - and a very lovely hand drawn font.
It's also quite an emotive experience - something I keep banging on about in design - it has to have an EMOTIONAL content - even if it's just a bit of typo
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Monday, 30 August 2010
The Story of 4AD
The story of 4AD , seminal and influential record label celebrates 30 years of technically innovative and imaginative art and typography - and music.
Top of the design pops.
Top Graphic 10 Design Books, selected by Patrick Cramsie. The debate in the comments section is more interesting than the selection.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Cut and Paste

Good Article on an exhibition of posters, fanzines and sleeve art at The Haunch Of Venison, London W1 from 24th September
..there is a gallery of punkposters here.
The Art Of Motion
Major exhibition on Eadweard Muybridge ( his own spelling in Saxon style at Tate Britain. The man who made time visible and opened up the possibilities of photography top the world.)
Friday, 27 August 2010
Coastal Currents, work placements for Students.
I mentioned Coastal Currents already - and some opportunities have come in via Andrew Robey who runs the BAhons Top Up.
Obviously I don't need to tell you how usefull it would be to make contacts here, and impress the guy running the top-up year if that's what you are interested in....
Christine Gist who runs and coordinates Coastal Currents is looking for 4-6 people for a variety of roles. Contact her on the details below.
01424 4511066
Obviously I don't need to tell you how usefull it would be to make contacts here, and impress the guy running the top-up year if that's what you are interested in....
Christine Gist who runs and coordinates Coastal Currents is looking for 4-6 people for a variety of roles. Contact her on the details below.
01424 4511066
Online Registration for the University Of Brighton.
Further to recent renovation of the New Student Area (NSA) on StudentCentral- all CF and UF applicants have now been invited to activate their University of Brighton account and start using NSA, this includes partner colleges - such as UCH and us at SCCH.
Use the help pages on Student Central to guide you through the process.
You will notice that NSA has six sections, Welcome, Get Ready For Student Life, Get Ready for Registration, Get ready for my Course, New Student News and Chat and Help Using Student Central.
The direct site address is -
Use the help pages on Student Central to guide you through the process.
You will notice that NSA has six sections, Welcome, Get Ready For Student Life, Get Ready for Registration, Get ready for my Course, New Student News and Chat and Help Using Student Central.
The direct site address is -
Creative Review
This months Creative Review is the annual Graduate Special - available in the library - from WHSmiths in town, and by reduced student subscription - website and details here
Reinventing the page for iPad
Fringe Posters
There is an article in The Guardian about the posters and publicity for the events at this years Edinburgh Fringe. This kind of communication is essential - with hundereds of acts and events over a 3 week period - you need all the attention you can get.
To be honest there are quite weak and it's a shame that they were the best they could find. many years ago when I was at RCA one of the other students, Robert Mills ( he's also a big mate of Peter Q ) - was in a comedy act who had a show at Edinburgh - his poster was awarded 'best in the Fringe' and got them a lot of extra attention. Alas, the show was terrible.
To be honest there are quite weak and it's a shame that they were the best they could find. many years ago when I was at RCA one of the other students, Robert Mills ( he's also a big mate of Peter Q ) - was in a comedy act who had a show at Edinburgh - his poster was awarded 'best in the Fringe' and got them a lot of extra attention. Alas, the show was terrible.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Great British Waste Menu
Slightly off topic, but as I've already said, I'd like this blog to be more social and inclusive - one of the old FDA 2's asked me to flag this up, and I agree - last nights 'Great British Waste Menu' was very interesting - and should have made you very angry. Ethics, wise use of resources, economy and good design sense are universal - Graphics and Packaging are intrinsically connected to every product and consumable on the market - so it's well worth taking the time to watch.
Link through here to iplayer
Link through here to iplayer
S**T Hot.
There has been a lot of coverage of the new poster campaign devised by Hastings Council to promote the cleaning up of dog mess, even the BBC has been dragged into the debate over their suitability - the council are adamant that dirty pavements are far more offensive ( and as a dog owner - I agree ).
Look at the posters, 2 colour print - simple text / image combination - clever copywriting - direct, clean and concise.... what's not to like? You can download the posters yourself from the HBC website here
A new Ben Eine for Hastings ( or even St Leonards )
Posted on behalf of Stephen Potter, Hastings Borough Council: Via Iben Marx
Ben Eine has done a large mural on the wall by the Love Market in Norman Road (in St Leonards), and the national Observer is coming down tomorrow to do a piece on it, take photos etc, at 10am.
That's the Observer Newspaper - not the Hastings version.
Rip it up.
Nice article from eye magazine via David McG, looking at the history of the punk fanzine.
"Cheap, handmade (out of necessity), rebellious, jokey, angry – anyone could scribble, type and photocopy reviews, photos, obscenities, critiques of modern society, just as anyone could shout into a microphone. Nobody wanted the music to be slick, and nobody wanted the publishing to be professional, to the bemusement of the mainstream. Mark Perry’s Sniffin’ Glue was probably the first punk fanzine, and it proved its commitment to punk ideals by ceasing publication after a year."
"Cheap, handmade (out of necessity), rebellious, jokey, angry – anyone could scribble, type and photocopy reviews, photos, obscenities, critiques of modern society, just as anyone could shout into a microphone. Nobody wanted the music to be slick, and nobody wanted the publishing to be professional, to the bemusement of the mainstream. Mark Perry’s Sniffin’ Glue was probably the first punk fanzine, and it proved its commitment to punk ideals by ceasing publication after a year."
Enrollment days, details.
For your information, your enrollment at SCCH will be at Station Plaza at 11.15am on the morning of Monday September 27th 2010 - please arrive 1/2 an hour early to be on the safe side.
Your enrollment as a University of Brighton Student will be on Tuesday 28th September 2010 at UCH, Havelock Road - please meet me in reception at 11.00am, and enrollment will be at 11.15am
FDA1 - these are timetables teaching days - so please return to SP4110 base room afterwards, FDA2 - you are timetabled to start on Wednesday 29th September, in the same room.
Your enrollment as a University of Brighton Student will be on Tuesday 28th September 2010 at UCH, Havelock Road - please meet me in reception at 11.00am, and enrollment will be at 11.15am
FDA1 - these are timetables teaching days - so please return to SP4110 base room afterwards, FDA2 - you are timetabled to start on Wednesday 29th September, in the same room.
Banksy by the sea
There has been some debate about it's authenticity - but apparently it's been 'confirmed' by his 'people' ( since when did graffiti artists have 'people'? ) but it seems there is a Banksy on the Beach. Details here.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Back to College / FDA 2
Hello All, I hope you had a good break and are enjoying your last few weeks of freedom. You are not due back in college until September 27th - still a month away, but in the next week or so you can expect to start getting letters and information. Ali is going to send you all a hard copy of the enclosed - but I've put it up here and will archive a copy over on the right hand side under resources, for your reference.
Enrollment week.
Your Enrolment with Hastings College will be in the Morning of September 27th, please ensure that you bring with you your proof of grant ( I hope that you have all reapplied for funding from LEA! ) or fees if you are self funding. You also need to enroll online with the University of Brighton, this is imperative as it will release your student loan.
The start date for your course is Wednesday September 29th when you will meet in room SP 4110 at 9.30am.
( SP4110 is your Graphic Communication base room, situated on the 4th floor of the Station Plaza building - front facing to the extreme left as you leave the lift or staircase.)
All course information for the coming year will be given to you on this day, I shall also introduce your timetable and discuss the module and marking system for year 2 ( it's very different to year 1 ) and during the first week I shall also spend time with each of you for an informal tutorial. Station Plaza is very different to Archery Road - and it will take you most of this week to get used to the new environment - but it's much better than Archery Road and a great working and learning environment.
As second years - you are timetabled for contact teaching every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during term time ( you will be given a timetable for the year on day 1 ), however - the move to the new building has enabled us to assign you a dedicated desk space throughout the week - and you have access to this space every day. This is a really important point - you are all H.E. students on a full time course - and whilst I know that some of you have work and financial commitments - the expectation is that you are studying full time, five days every week during term time. It was noted by the University at the Examination Board that students at the University of Brighton must not consider the two days they are not contact taught as 'free' days. ( I will address this directly on day one )
Archery Road had major drawbacks with space and facilities - I was very unhappy that we were forced to split the room between two groups, and moving you down to the other studio on Wednesdays did not help. To this end we have fought to give every student dedicated personal desk space, 5 days a week. This means that you have full time access to the studio - the desk space is yours to use - and take full advantage of. We have the best studio in the building - and it's really important that you use it fully - if it's noticed that desks are empty - we may find ourselves moved to a smaller room and back to where we were before with desk sharing. Myself and David have gone to a great deal of trouble to give you the best possible working environment, so make sure you use it!!
There will be some changes to the way we use computers and printing - but as before, you may bring your own laptop into college if it's what you prefer, much of the college has WiFi access and there are additional computer facilities throughout the building, but under no circumstances should you attempt to connect your personal computer directly to the network at any of the spare points in our room.
You will be undertaking competition briefs next year, The first of which will be YCN ( Young Creative Network ) - they will not have released the briefs before September, but you can access the website now at You will need as much time as possible to consider and select your brief, so bookmark it as soon as possible.
You are all aware that work placements must be competed this year as a statutory part of your course requirement. You were briefed on this last year and we shall expect to see evidence of your progress at the start of the year.
On your first day back, we shall spend the afternoon presenting and discussing the summer project. This brief is not marked as part of a module and does not contribute to your final award - but the presentation will be formal, and you should consider it as a ‘dry run’ of how the year will continue.
Keep your eye on the blog - new stuff comes up every day, and email me if you have any questions.
For your reference the term dates are as follows ( full week dates - Monday to Friday )
Autumn Term 27th September
Half Term 25th October ( Return Nov 1st )
Term Ends 10th December
Spring Term 6th January
Half Term 21th February ( Return 28th Feb )
Term Ends 1st April
Summer Term 26th April
Half Term 30th May ( Return June 6th )
Term Ends 24th June
Enrollment week.
Your Enrolment with Hastings College will be in the Morning of September 27th, please ensure that you bring with you your proof of grant ( I hope that you have all reapplied for funding from LEA! ) or fees if you are self funding. You also need to enroll online with the University of Brighton, this is imperative as it will release your student loan.
The start date for your course is Wednesday September 29th when you will meet in room SP 4110 at 9.30am.
( SP4110 is your Graphic Communication base room, situated on the 4th floor of the Station Plaza building - front facing to the extreme left as you leave the lift or staircase.)
All course information for the coming year will be given to you on this day, I shall also introduce your timetable and discuss the module and marking system for year 2 ( it's very different to year 1 ) and during the first week I shall also spend time with each of you for an informal tutorial. Station Plaza is very different to Archery Road - and it will take you most of this week to get used to the new environment - but it's much better than Archery Road and a great working and learning environment.
As second years - you are timetabled for contact teaching every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during term time ( you will be given a timetable for the year on day 1 ), however - the move to the new building has enabled us to assign you a dedicated desk space throughout the week - and you have access to this space every day. This is a really important point - you are all H.E. students on a full time course - and whilst I know that some of you have work and financial commitments - the expectation is that you are studying full time, five days every week during term time. It was noted by the University at the Examination Board that students at the University of Brighton must not consider the two days they are not contact taught as 'free' days. ( I will address this directly on day one )
Archery Road had major drawbacks with space and facilities - I was very unhappy that we were forced to split the room between two groups, and moving you down to the other studio on Wednesdays did not help. To this end we have fought to give every student dedicated personal desk space, 5 days a week. This means that you have full time access to the studio - the desk space is yours to use - and take full advantage of. We have the best studio in the building - and it's really important that you use it fully - if it's noticed that desks are empty - we may find ourselves moved to a smaller room and back to where we were before with desk sharing. Myself and David have gone to a great deal of trouble to give you the best possible working environment, so make sure you use it!!
There will be some changes to the way we use computers and printing - but as before, you may bring your own laptop into college if it's what you prefer, much of the college has WiFi access and there are additional computer facilities throughout the building, but under no circumstances should you attempt to connect your personal computer directly to the network at any of the spare points in our room.
You will be undertaking competition briefs next year, The first of which will be YCN ( Young Creative Network ) - they will not have released the briefs before September, but you can access the website now at You will need as much time as possible to consider and select your brief, so bookmark it as soon as possible.
You are all aware that work placements must be competed this year as a statutory part of your course requirement. You were briefed on this last year and we shall expect to see evidence of your progress at the start of the year.
On your first day back, we shall spend the afternoon presenting and discussing the summer project. This brief is not marked as part of a module and does not contribute to your final award - but the presentation will be formal, and you should consider it as a ‘dry run’ of how the year will continue.
Keep your eye on the blog - new stuff comes up every day, and email me if you have any questions.
For your reference the term dates are as follows ( full week dates - Monday to Friday )
Autumn Term 27th September
Half Term 25th October ( Return Nov 1st )
Term Ends 10th December
Spring Term 6th January
Half Term 21th February ( Return 28th Feb )
Term Ends 1st April
Summer Term 26th April
Half Term 30th May ( Return June 6th )
Term Ends 24th June
Selfridges A-Z of Products
Really nice idea for an alphabetical window display here - there are usually a couple of retail or shopfront briefs in the YCN / D&AD briefs, so start looking around now.
Showcase: Flickr
Image archiving site Flickr is full of great resources - and users are now encouraged to engage in commercial image sharing, with many designers, photographers and creatives using the site as part f their public onlinepresence Here's a good example of a typography in the environment resource page.
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Pumphouse Gallery Exhibition
Hypercomics - the shape of comics to come, at the Pumphouse Gallery in London - link to all the details here, courtesy Gary Neill
The Age Of Anxiety
This documentary was on BBC4 last night - it's part 2 of a 3 part study of British Novelist in the last century. Apart from the fact it was very good, and full of information that anyone in the media or publishing needs to know - it directly discusses themes essential for the FDA summer brief and the design for print brief that the FDA2 will have this year - you really need to watch this - it's very, very good.
You can watch it on iPlayer here.
You can watch it on iPlayer here.
The September Issue
Anyone interested in publishing should watch this film tonight, 10pm - on BBC 4. Although it's about a fashion magazine, it's a really good insight to how a publication is put together behind the scenes - I know that a few of you have talked about this industry - and the more you know, the better.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
FDA Hastings / Social contacts
Hello Folks - you may have noticed that I've separated my personal social contacts from my professional ones - meaning basically that I've taken stuff like my facebook page out of the college equation.
I've done this for a few reasons, some practical and some professional - I think that for the last year or so facebook has been a handy way for us all to keep in contact - but now we have the FDA blog, I'd rather keep us all in one place. Last years FDA 2 set up a facebook page for the course but it didn't really take off - but I'm sure that if you wanted one - it could be made to work better, I think it needs a figurehead and I'm not sure I want it to be me - perhaps one of the class reps would like to take up the challenge?
I'd really like you to get more engaged with the FDA blog, it's quite a lot of work for me to keep it going but I want it to be an important part of your course, next year will be quite different for all of you - not just the new site, but the way you will be working, and the blog is a really good way to keep in control and make sure you know what's going on.
In addition - I think that you really need lives of your own outside college - I've caught a few of you telling porkies about being absent through illness ( "OMG - I last night at the Crypt was banging" - whatever that means? ), as do the staff. The way my fraction works out I'm going to be with you most of the time in one form or another next year - and you will probably be pretty sick of me at college, let alone on your computers.
If anyone needs to contact me at any time - you have a direct email address that is private and only I have access to - and you know I always reply straight away - do start using the blog as a more social thing - and keep sending me stuff you want to include, it does not just have to be about design or college.
If you are one of last years students - and you want to reconnect on facebook - feel free, I'll say yes, I have kept a few contacts from previous years - I don't consider you students any more - so I'm OK with that.
The blog will continue over the summer - and be busy again from the middle of September - so bookmark it and keep your eyes open.
all the best
I've done this for a few reasons, some practical and some professional - I think that for the last year or so facebook has been a handy way for us all to keep in contact - but now we have the FDA blog, I'd rather keep us all in one place. Last years FDA 2 set up a facebook page for the course but it didn't really take off - but I'm sure that if you wanted one - it could be made to work better, I think it needs a figurehead and I'm not sure I want it to be me - perhaps one of the class reps would like to take up the challenge?
I'd really like you to get more engaged with the FDA blog, it's quite a lot of work for me to keep it going but I want it to be an important part of your course, next year will be quite different for all of you - not just the new site, but the way you will be working, and the blog is a really good way to keep in control and make sure you know what's going on.
In addition - I think that you really need lives of your own outside college - I've caught a few of you telling porkies about being absent through illness ( "OMG - I last night at the Crypt was banging" - whatever that means? ), as do the staff. The way my fraction works out I'm going to be with you most of the time in one form or another next year - and you will probably be pretty sick of me at college, let alone on your computers.
If anyone needs to contact me at any time - you have a direct email address that is private and only I have access to - and you know I always reply straight away - do start using the blog as a more social thing - and keep sending me stuff you want to include, it does not just have to be about design or college.
If you are one of last years students - and you want to reconnect on facebook - feel free, I'll say yes, I have kept a few contacts from previous years - I don't consider you students any more - so I'm OK with that.
The blog will continue over the summer - and be busy again from the middle of September - so bookmark it and keep your eyes open.
all the best
Friday, 20 August 2010
Coastal Currents 2010
Coastal Currents 2010 starts next weekend - with the launch party at Eat in the park and bandstand, the main website is here - with an events calendar and what's on page. If you are in town, pop into the HQ which is based in House Of Hastings - just up by Morrissons.
There is stacks happening, events - exhibitions and open studio's - including Peter Quinnell and Claire Fletcher's beach hut - and a visitation from Smalls-Murray ( a bit like Morrissey meets Gilbert and George ). There are events in Eastbourne, Bexhill and Rye, and a large craft fare in Alexandra Park. Coastal Currents gets bigger every year and is a major event on the creative caledar of the south coast - so don't miss out.
There is stacks happening, events - exhibitions and open studio's - including Peter Quinnell and Claire Fletcher's beach hut - and a visitation from Smalls-Murray ( a bit like Morrissey meets Gilbert and George ). There are events in Eastbourne, Bexhill and Rye, and a large craft fare in Alexandra Park. Coastal Currents gets bigger every year and is a major event on the creative caledar of the south coast - so don't miss out.
Penguin Classics F.Scott Fitzgerald editions
From the Creative Review Blog, really nice work by Coraline Bickford-Smith. It demonstrates how you can make a stunning book jacket by just using common sense, research and an understanding of the book and it's context.
Part Time Job opportunity
This is from Joanna at Pomegranate in the old town - it's a nice little place and handy for college.
We are looking for full or part time host /ess to work out front in pomegranate... must be creatively able to multi task! well, waiting/bar experience essential, a peoples person who is energetic and smiley!!
Please forward CVs to me..
We are looking for full or part time host /ess to work out front in pomegranate... must be creatively able to multi task! well, waiting/bar experience essential, a peoples person who is energetic and smiley!!
Please forward CVs to me..
Thursday, 19 August 2010
ffffound for iphone
Seeing as most of you have one - you can now get ffffound for iphone from the appstore - link here ( and now you can never escape from design... ever )
ipad graphics by Applied Works
Gary Neill sent through a really interesting little Vimeo movie showcasing some new ipad applications for The Times.
I think there is something very interesting happening here, firstly - for a 'design' point of view - these are stylistically very much like something you would see in The Guardian, The Times is making a huge investment in this media and taken huge risks by placing their website behind a paywall, I've never like the way they work visually in print - but these are good. The simple stuff - like the visualisation of the national debt - work well, and really aid the absorption of the information - the Battle of Britain slideshow is also very strong and appropriate.
Two really important things to understand now.
1. The technical skill demanded by the industry now is very, very high - you need to understand that any potential employer will demand you are either proficient - or sympathetic to new media ( they are two, very different things - think about that )
2. From a graphic design point of view - these are also very, very good - the designer understood the platform and made his image, typography and animation work with it to enhance the consumers 'experience' of information - the reader is no loner a passive element in design - he is working with you.
This means that we are in a unique position of having an industry that's more advanced and fast moving than ever before - yet the core traditional skills of layout, composition and typographic excellence have never been more important!
I think there is something very interesting happening here, firstly - for a 'design' point of view - these are stylistically very much like something you would see in The Guardian, The Times is making a huge investment in this media and taken huge risks by placing their website behind a paywall, I've never like the way they work visually in print - but these are good. The simple stuff - like the visualisation of the national debt - work well, and really aid the absorption of the information - the Battle of Britain slideshow is also very strong and appropriate.
Two really important things to understand now.
1. The technical skill demanded by the industry now is very, very high - you need to understand that any potential employer will demand you are either proficient - or sympathetic to new media ( they are two, very different things - think about that )
2. From a graphic design point of view - these are also very, very good - the designer understood the platform and made his image, typography and animation work with it to enhance the consumers 'experience' of information - the reader is no loner a passive element in design - he is working with you.
This means that we are in a unique position of having an industry that's more advanced and fast moving than ever before - yet the core traditional skills of layout, composition and typographic excellence have never been more important!
52 fonts to use instead of Helvetica
Continuing the theme from below, nice article on a designer's personal web-blog. This is the kind of internet presence that will really help you in your career if you want to go freelance, you need to find ways to establish some voice or communication with clients - existing and potential - not just to show what you can do, but to demonstrate what kind of designer you are.
The (Mostly) true story of Helvetica on the NY Subway
Rye Raft Race appeal
I'm actually quite keen on greater student participation in this blog next year - so once we are back I'm happy for any contributions that are not just about design - but the college or student life, so I'm pleased to present the following.
FDA 1 Sarah Howard sent me through notice that she and her partner's family are taking part in this year's Rye Raft Race in memory of her boyfriends father who died during the last term - it's in support of St Michael's Hospice, they are already well on the way to half their target - the race itself is on Sunday 29th August - so good luck to everyone. You can get more information and a chance to make a contribution and sponsor here
FDA 1 Sarah Howard sent me through notice that she and her partner's family are taking part in this year's Rye Raft Race in memory of her boyfriends father who died during the last term - it's in support of St Michael's Hospice, they are already well on the way to half their target - the race itself is on Sunday 29th August - so good luck to everyone. You can get more information and a chance to make a contribution and sponsor here
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Designed to annoy
Really nice article here - looking at design in a counter intuitive way - to make life harder rather than easier. In this case, a cigarette packet that makes smoking more fiddly, awkward and less social - rather than easier - very useful lesson about how design is part of social interaction.
Click here for all the details
Click here for all the details
Stepping away from type.
Interesting article in the Guardian about bands who use the less common typographic symbols and glyphs from a font family - mostly to evade internet searches. For example - the performa MIA uses the glyph table to create - /\/\/\|/\
Not quite the same as prince using the squiggle symbol - many typestters within the industry craeted that as a glyph fairly early on, and the band Underwoeld used a hieroglyph in an earlier incarnation back in the '80s.
You can check any glyph family in CS by using the 'show glyphs' command from the navigation bar when in text mode.
Not quite the same as prince using the squiggle symbol - many typestters within the industry craeted that as a glyph fairly early on, and the band Underwoeld used a hieroglyph in an earlier incarnation back in the '80s.
You can check any glyph family in CS by using the 'show glyphs' command from the navigation bar when in text mode.
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Showcase: The Jacket Museum
Excellent Wordpress blog here that you will find very handy next year.
The blog is quiet at the moment - most of you are on holiday - I'm actually working, so I'm stockpiling stuff for later in the summer - keep your eyes open in case anything that I think is useful pops up - yu never know.
The blog is quiet at the moment - most of you are on holiday - I'm actually working, so I'm stockpiling stuff for later in the summer - keep your eyes open in case anything that I think is useful pops up - yu never know.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Monday, 2 August 2010
SCCH working with Apple
Article here on the Apple site about the mobile learning project between Apple and SCC Hastings
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