Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Xmas from D&AD

Some lovely festive themed work here.

Saturday, 18 December 2010

I hate to admit it...

But the new Macdonalds add is excellent - from a graphics and typography concept perspective.... see here.

Friday, 17 December 2010

Important info for FDA2

All applications MUST be made through UCAS, regardless of what you have been told elsewhere, also - if you are making an application to a 3rd year - rather than a top up, you MUST contact them and talk about their admissions policy. It's very possible that they may only offer places to successful candidates if there is one available ( i.e. - someone has dropped out from the 3 year course ), and may actually not have any places or put you on a waiting list.

Joining a degree part of the way through is not the same as a top-up, so PLEASE make sure you are really well informed and know what they do and are able to offer - and don't just look at the prospectus!!! They may have modules that we don't cover ( life drawing etc ) and would expect you to make up the ground yourself before interview.

Jerwood Gallery Logo

Information direct from Jerwood here

3D Typography

I was in London yesterday and found a copy of the book 3D Typography - it's expensive - but very good ( much cheaper on Amazon ) - I had a look around online and they have a very god blog here.

Best of all - it has links to all the contributers.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Music Typography Quiz ( FDA1 )

This is nice, ties in exactly with your 'Brand yourself as a Band' brief.

From Monotype - try and match the iconic typeface to the band or musician - pitty I didn't find this last week!

See how you do here.

More on Top Up for FDA2

David McG has kindly allowed me to post the blog he has kept of his reflective practice project - it's a really nice piece of work - and important that you read the text that goes with it carefully to understand what he's done.

I know David's work from last year, so I can see how hard he has had to work to develop new ways of working - although it's essentially a simple project, to move away from working 2 dimensionally into something more physical - it required a lot of physical graft and hard thought.

Remember - David was tasked to just get on with this himself, and not be constantly supervised - this is what I mean when I keep talking about self direction - you need to begin to focus on the direction your work is going now - use the briefs and tuition you are given, but start 'building yourself up' for your FMP work and plan what you want to say in your interviews and personal statements.

Art on a Tea Towel

Timely article for FDA1 from the Telegraph here

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

FDA / Top Up info

The Top Up year had a mini show today after the presentation of their reflective practice module. I was really impressed by all of the Graphics students from last year, and how far they have gone in such a short period of time.

Top Up is not an extension of the FDA course you are on now, it's very different. If you want to apply for Top Up here or at any other college it's important that you find the right one for you - and that you UNDERSTAND the course and do plenty of research first and make sure it is right for you, and not just somewhere you want to live.

You need to be able to talk at your interview about the work you want to do - it's personal, self directed and must be ambitious and original. You are not given briefs and modules like on the FDA, you have to constantly be developing new work independently - and you have to be able to convince Andrew ( or whoever ) that you can deliver. Make sure you think about this very hard over Xmas.

You must do this for yourself - remember that the FDA is NOT a feeder course for Top Up and is totally different to a degree in content, context and deliverables, I can't spoon feed you at degree level and give you a list of things to tick off - so be really clear at interview where you are 'coming from' and where you want to go.

Change to the studio.

As I told you last week - we have had to make a change to the way the studio works.

we now have a large - open plan studio - divided by the island of large tables in the middle.

FDA2 - you each have an individual small table - facing the window, this is yours all year and available 5 days a week - I suggest you pick one ( first come first served ) and put your name on it a.s.a.p.

FDA 2 - there are 2 islands of large tables that will take 6 people - and 4 islands of tall tables - that will take up to 12 people.

There are also 17 tables and chairs with 17 computers that are free to all - FDA graphics only, it will be pretty clear when you see them why I've arranged the room is this way - the computers can't be seen unless you are inside the graphics area - so people will not be able to wander in and use them.

Because the room is open, it will always look busy, again - we should have more success in keeping it to ourselves now.

There is a temporary wall - Richard Technician will build a 4 foot high wall during the break to separate off an area that will be the illustration computer studio - we have no control over this space - but I'm working with Joanna to make it work 'for' us.

The computers are all off line until the technicians can re-configure all the boxes, if you need one - use a computer in Illustration ( but not Thursday - they are in use )

Many of you left all your work in the studio - I had to bag everything up - I'm 99% sure everything went into the right bag, nothing was thrown away - it's all there safe.

The studio should now be a much better place to work in - and with less interruptions - and we have the full view again - so lets try and make it work for us!

I'm going to have to revise the timetable to make sure that there are no clashes - now that the room is open, this will take me a bit of time - but everyone should be more comfortable now.

Important Information for FDA2

If you are making a UCAS application - please leave the space marked 'unique learner number' blank for the time being.

Re: References from myself. I am writing them now - and they will be sent to Martin for checking before being added to your application. If there is anyone who does NOT need a reference, please email me independently - otherwise I shall assume you all need one.

If you have any questions about your application - drop me a line. If you have any questions about the course structure you are on now ( some students have been asked already ) - all the information is already on the resources blog - there is a link here.

( Don't try and download the module description - that's supposed to go on the college Wiki - which isn't live yet... )


Tuesday, 14 December 2010


I've had a couple of emails about references and Unique Learner numbers. I'll check with Ali first thing in the morning - and answer them all via the blog so everyone gets the same information, as soon as I possibly can.



Monday, 13 December 2010

For FDA1

I saw the Ident / indent for the BBC2 Xmas season today - I loved it, then remembered it was recycled from 2007 - the full collection is  here - this is an important part of the research brief I set you last week - so look at them carefully.

Congratulations to Johnathon and Rachel

Lovely day was had by all - I suspect it was probably even better than winning a YCN award last year...

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Round-up from the last week of term.

FDA1 - really fantastic selection of work on Wednesday, everyone did really well - you all managed to jugle 3 projects well and the quality of work was really high. Some very interesting and diverse solutions - and some fantastic products - I was delighted with everything. Kay A-S will be in to see the bags and towels after xmas, she's really looking forward to it - I'll arrange a date and let you know when.

FDA2 - excellent work from everyone. Nobody let me down!! - Really well presented, you all talked about the work professionally and John was very impressed. Nobody was late - everyone did something fresh and intelligent and it was the best performance by a group that we have ever had. I think it was also a personal best for all of you. Please don't forget to email me your print ready PDF this week.

Next week - Top Up are putting up a small show of work in progress, I'll photograph and post images.

I think this has been a really successful first term for everyone - the blog will continue through the holiday so keep checking ( I'll have more time to post good stuff ) and I'm working my way through all the admin next week - so check your in-boxes. Don't forget your holiday projects, I'd tackle them straight away - we can always tell when you knock it together in the last couple of days.

Have a great holiday - and come back fresh and motivated next term!!


Friday, 10 December 2010

Schedule for today ( Friday )

All completed module presentations on the large tables in the front studio at 1.30pm - them myself andJohn will spend about 20 mins looking through while you all get a cup of coffee - and at 2pm come back and we shall go through all the work with you.

John will talk to you about the commercial viability of your work -m we will both give you a mark and you will receive the average.

Do your best to present the work well, communicate your concept clearly and be proud of your work - if you are nervous or insecure it devalues everything you have done - and don't appologise or point out what you have done wrong or talk about what didn't work - just stick to the positives and talk the work 'up'.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Security cards / door access.

FDA1 / 2 - Top Up.

If your card stilldoes not open the studiodoor -please inform Jane TODAY and we shall have it re-formatted.


Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Christmas drinks tomorrow night.

The Jenny Lind - opposite the end of Courthouse Street - you will find it really easily - it's about half way up The High Street - on the way to the FILO, you will probably be able to hear it too, it had a loudspeaker in one of the upstairs windows at the weekend playing Xmas Carols. It's a really nice place, with an open fire and two bars - and a garden outside.

4.30pm onwards.



Room Changes for FDA1 and 2

You are all aware that I've been looking at the issues regarding the room and how it's used - and I've been talking to many of you about the way it works - and how we can use the space ( and keep it ) going forward.

Over the Xmas break, we are going to shift the room around - take out the wall in the middle and build a new wall, at 90 degrees across the whole space - meaning that the back of the room ( where computers are now ) will be the FDA 1 studio - the front will be FDA2 - the 'big' tables will be placed inbetween as dividers and the computers will be along the new wall - inside the new space so they cannot be seen from the doors. This creates a new - smaller - studio space along the big white wall - where 'other' students can work - and will not disturb us.

Moving the computers means that you MUST remove anything you want to keep from the hard drives before the Xmas break - afterwards everuthing will be lost.

We will still only have 17 computers - and you will still need to find a way to cope with that in the short term - and you also must make use of the space - or, as I keep saying, you will lose it - but at least this will give us our own 'territory' again.


Nice like found by Mel ( FDA1 ) for anyone looking for interesting fonts.

Monday, 6 December 2010

The Joy of Stats

( That's 'statistics' to you and me )

Found by Tom from Top Up - looks like a really interesting doc on visualising statistics and difficult information - really worth watching.

Some news for FDA1

Sadly - I've just spoken to Kay Avery-Stallion and she has suffered a family bereavement, and has asked if she can postpone the visit on Wednesday.

We are still having the crit and presentation on Wednesday at 1.30pm - and I'm going to give you your project for the xmas break - and straight after xmas, Kay will come in on a suitable day and we can have the presentation again. After the presentation - we can all go up to The Jenny Lind for xmas drinks and 'recover'. I'll talk to you about this in the morning.

She has a lot to offer to you - she's a working designer who has started her own company and gone through many of the process and trials that all of you must face - and is really looking forward to being able to talk to you all.

I hope you all join me in sending her out best wishes.

The tutorials have been going really well and I've had some very interesting and valuable feedback so far, lots of really useful suggestions and observations - I'll finish with everyone tomorrow and you will get detailed written feedback next week by email - with a resume of all your marks and the comments from all the other tutors.

What to do with a design degree?

Interesting article from today's Guardian

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Show of great Penguin bookmcovers.

Found by Gary Neill - at the Stolen Space Gallery / Truman Brewery - really worth a trip if you are up there Xmas shopping.

End Days Collection / next Friday

If any FDA2 students did not receive the Penguin logo's or the PDF guide to the presentation I sent out today - email me straight away and request another one.


Timetable starting December 6th

This is your last timetabled week this year, and although we had a bit of disruption last week - we only lost 2 days for FDA2 - so it shouldn't have any effect on anyone.

Monday December 6th / Tuesday December 7th - FDA1

You are in the Studio with Richard - working on your retail briefs.

I also want to spend 20 mins with each of you talking 1-2-1 about your performance this year, I'll try and do 4 students each session - 16 all together over 2 days.

Wednesday December 8th - FDA1

Kay Avery-Stallion is hopefully going to be free to spend the afternoon with us, going through all the retail work and talking to you - I'll be marking the work today

Wednesday December 8th - FDA2

Studio day working on the Design for Print brief.

Thursday December 9th - FDA2

C&C with Gary Neill - to make up for last week - you will have a session in both the morning and afternoon

Friday December 10th - FDA2

John Grindrod from Faber &Faber is due in the afternoon to review your work with me and help make the end of this module - and to talk to you in the afternoon about the work.

Xmas Drinks - if you are up for a Christmas Drink on Wednesday evening - 4.30 - 6.30, in The Jenny Lind in Hastings Old Town, please inform your group rep - it would be nice to get as many of you all together as possible, and The Jenny is best venue for it.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Well Done Courtney

FDA1 Student Courtney Vizard has plenty to be proud of - follow the link to the main website to read about his major achievement ( although the quote from me is made up by someone else, they spell my name wrong and Courtney's on the film.... )

More to cheer you up

Belle & Sebastian words hidden in the world experimental promotional film.
I know you are all devastated at having to stay home in the snow... so here's the worlds smallest stop motion animation to cheer you up.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Friday 3rd December

College will be closed..... I'm sure you are all devastated, I know I am... ( honest! )

It's not the end of the world....

If the college is closed tomorrow ( you will get an update on the SCCH site and here ) I will post examples online or by email of how the FDA2 work needs to be developed and presented for next week - you still have plenty of time to get this one resolved - and you can come in all next week if you need to.

We have moved one of the large tables over to where Jane used to sit ( she has her own office now ) for cutting and making - use this as a practical area.

Gary will do a double session of C&C for FDA2 next week - so nobody will miss out, and FDA 1 should be able to continue as normal.

If you need to talk to me - email me and I'll let you have a land line number.

I have about 2 ft of snow outside my front door so I'm not planning on going anywhere today - (except dog walking).... and tonight will probably be very cold, estimated -5, so please be sensible and wrap up warm.

Thursday December 2nd

Yes... we are closed... even I won't go outside!!

keep your eye on the college websites and blogs for news and information - I'll update later.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Thursday December 2nd

I am informed that the college will be open - but check on the main SCCH website first before leaving home.

FDA2 - Gary is with you today - this week and next week you have half a day as a session of C&C and half a day as a graphics project with Gary - if attendance is low tomorrow - he will run the graphics brief and do a double C+C next week.

Many thanks to everyone that came in today - it was quite a good session and I saw some really nice work.

Wednesday December 1st / Snow

I am going to be in college today, I've had conflicting reports about opening - I think UCH is closed but the main site says Station Plaza is open, and I've not been contacted.

I do understand that many of you live out of town and in rural areas etc - so please use some common sense and don't drive in if you are not comfortable with the conditions.

The forecast does not give much clues as to what to expect - I'll post some more information at 10am when I'm at the studio