Sunday, 18 December 2011


... due to Naomi and Vincent, Emma Lois Wade, born 17th December ( fashionably late ) - well done and good luck to all three of them.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Next Year

The first day back for FDA 1 is January 9th, and for FDA1 - it's January 11th

Monday January 9th.

FDA2 - 10am in the studio.

Morning, briefing and lecture - start of the Packaging and Surface design module - 3 individual briefs to go through and understand.

1.30pm, presentation of research for the RSA briefs, group discussion / read through for the YCN and D&AD mandatory briefs. You should all be well on the way to selecting the briefs you want to tackle.

Tuesday January 10th. 

Each of you will have a short tutorial and a read through of the marks and feedback from Term 1 - you must also complete a feedback form for Module 1 and return to me.

Wednesday January 11th 

Start work on Packaging Module. There is also a planned meeting with FDA1 and 2, David Fowler (H.E. Manager and Martin Symons - Head of School - and myself, we just want to assure you that the course will be 100% fine and continuity will remain when you change over to a new Subject Leader - which is probably going to be at the start of April ( they have to give notice at their current post ) - I also want to assure you that although I'm not the SL, I'll still be teaching you and acting in many ways as Locum, so the course will be essentially... exactly the same. You won't see quite as much of me - but I'm sure that some of you will be quite pleased about that...

FDA1 - start Wednesday January 11th - with a briefing in the morning - the start of your Typography and Letterforms module. This is a complex and multi project module - so be prepared to concentrate. You will also be getting written marks and feedback, and are expected to fill in your own feedback paperworks and return to me. You will probably be in the H.E. common room on this morning - but check the blog regularly.

On the Thursday and Friday - you will all be given a tutorial, and work starts on this module.

In addition, I require ALL the FDA2 typographic manifesto prints to be returned to me on the first day back - they are going to be exhibited.

If you want your marks sent through to you before Xmas - you must email me, but they will all be gone through with you in detail on a 1-2-1 basis during the first week back.

As explained, the FDA email address will 'expire' on Jan 1st - but I'll be keeping the blog going until the new SL takes it over. We have been in discussion at School Board level about social media and are very keen for this to develop, that includes facebook and Twitter ( which I hate - so if anyone else want's to have a go... )

Hope you all have a great Xmas break and come back nice and fresh, and ready to work - there is a lot to do, and we are going to be stepping up the pace quite a bit!!!!


Alternative colours for 2012

As suggested by the readers of Design Week.

Monday, 12 December 2011

History of type infographic -

... click to view / dowload or link here

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Timetable - week starting December 12th

Myles Calvert is in the print room on Monday and Tuesday as a resource for both years - FDA1 and 2 both have projects that involve print - make sure you use this time well and don't leave it all to the last moment.

On Wednesday 4th - FDA1 - in the H.E. common room at 10am with your Warhol prints and Film Posters - marking for this module will take all morning - it's very important that you are on time!! We should be finished by 12.30pm

FDA2 are in the main studio with Gary all morning, you hand in your essay at 10am as instructed, no late comers! I was a bit disappointed that only 4 people used Hannah this week as instructed - and 2 of you hadn't even started. The money to pay her comes from your fees - so if you didn't use her - it was wasted.

In the afternoon - FDA2 are presenting their Books design and manifesto work - in the main studio - to both myself and Karen for module marking. You have all been briefed, and know exactly how to present your work. We start at 2pm, this is a formal module mark and goes towards your FDA grade.

I understand that Olga has been canvasing for a film to watch afterwards - you are welcome to use the studio, have drinks and food ( but be very discrete, please!!!)

Thursday and Friday - FDA1 are with John Reynolds - marking for this module will be Friday - essential that you do your best here!.

I am only timetables on Wednesday, and am working in Brighton for the rest of the week - but I will try to come in on Monday afternoon  (edit - I'll do my best - it really depends on what time I can get out of work - email me directly if you have any problems - sooner rather than later )  - also Friday afternoon ( later on ) and I have a school board meeting on Thursday so I'll be around from 3pm.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Colour of the year 2012

Tangerine... apparently... according to Pantone... but not in my house.

Competition time

This is an interesting brief. It's very current - but very difficult. When I was a student there weekly high profile competitions for HIV and Aids awareness campaigns, all the winners were dire, cliche driven bores ( sad faces, hearts, tears, rainbows countless derivations of red ribbons etc ) - sometimes it's easier to look at things from the outside ( remember the talk I gave you with very 'wrong' logo solutions by design agencies that specilise in church work? )

"Enter our competition to design a logo for our campaign to tackle homophobia and transphobia in sport.
We are asking budding designers to create an emblem for the Sports charter campaign that helps spread the message that hate of any kind in sport is not acceptable. Sports clubs, fans and players across the country will then use this logo to show they back the campaign.
The competition is targeted at young people but is open to anyone with creative flair.
The competition closes on Wednesday 18 January 2012 at 5pm. Rugby Union star, Ben Cohen will shortlist the top entries, which will then be put on our Facebook page for a public vote."


I keep going on about the ampersand being the key to a fonts' personality - I found this and think it's lovely - a really elegant solution.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Beautiful books

Great reference here from the Folio Society - via The Guardian, including this old friend...

Print V e-Book

really good article here on how book designers are battling the march of the digital.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Nice concept work

Last years FDA2 were given a soap packaging brief - I found this concept work that was quite similar - well executed.

Just my type

Available to listen on iPlayer ( thanks Gary N.)

Saturday, 3 December 2011

'The secret to a good book cover'

Really handy article here for FFA2

Inspiration for FDA2

Work by designer Jessica Svendsen ( while she was a student ) - lots of obvious parallels with work you are doing now - and very good presentation.

"Book cover design for a combined volume of Margaret Edson’s play Wit and Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs. Dalloway, which accentuates the detailed attention to punctuation in each of the works"

Giles Duley Interview

Live on Radio 4 - available here. Interview with the Hastings based photographer who was seriously wounded in Afghanistan last year.

Job Opp

From an X student - it's the wrong time of year for the current cohort - but I know plenty X students keep up with this blog. Drop me a line if you want more details.

Don't know if you can help but I've been doing some freelance work for a company called apl in Hooe. They basically buy spreads in national press (jamie magazine the telegraph) and sell patches to companies (like ubisoft benecol etc). They are desperately looking for a full time designer to layout their spreads. They need someone creative but also someone who is capable of handling the software. 

 So I was wondering if you could recommend anyone or new of anyone? They would need to be able to drive and if they had photographic skills it would also be a bonus.

Beautiful Book Covers

Great article here about the book industry reacting to digital.

Also - an article here about Farenheight 451 being digitised for the first time, against the authors wishes - if you want to work in graphics, this is the sort of cultural referencing that you should find essential to your craft.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Timetable for the rest of the year.

Here is the complete timetable for the next 2 weeks - and they you are off to enjoy xmas.

Week 1 starting Monday December 5th.

FDA2 - Academic Reading Week.

You are free to work at home or in college - this is your week to compete your first essay which MUST be handed in on December 14th - I've gone over the details here about 20 times, and you all know what to do. You are welcome to work in college - but you have no timetabled teaching, if you need to see Hannah - she is booked in on December 6th - just for you.

FDA1 - Communicating With Images - Wednesday December 7th

You have Myles Calvert today - you also have full access to the studio and screen printing - he's really happy with the progress and tells me there is some very good work. Well done.

FDA1 - Narrative Photography - week 1.

You have John Reynolds on Thursday and Friday - December 8th and 9th - in the studio. Bring notebooks - it's an important project that includes theory, research and practical photography - part 2 is next week.

Week 2 - starting December 12th

College will be much quieter, as F.E. teaching has ended.

FDA2 - December 12th and 13th ( Monday / Tuesday )

Myles Calvert is booked in to run the print room for you - most of you will need to complete your Manifesto work here, and your book covers. I'm also trying to tie down Andrew Robey to talk to you about Top Up - but it's a tight fit. If he cannot talk to you on Monday or Tuesday - it will be straight after Xmas.

Wednesday December 14th - morning.

FDA2 start at 9am - and finish at 12 noon - Hand in your Essay to Gary Neill as directed. He is only available in the morning. He Must take your completed essay away with him - if it's not handed in, it's classed as fail / referral - no excuses.

FDA2 - 2pm - presentation of COMPLETED Design for Print Module in the studio - both projects, Books and manifesto. We shall be joined by Karen Wilks who has been kind enough to agree to co-mark the work with me. No latecomers, no excuses - you must be ready to present exactly as directed - well mounted and well described work - foam board preferred, white backgrounds, no laser copies..

FDA1 - 10am Wednesday December 14th - in the H.E. common room - presentation of your Warhol Poster and Film Titles - this work will be marked fully on this day, no late comers etc.

FDA1 - Thursday / Friday December 15/16th - part 2 of the Narrative Photography project with John Reynolds in the studio.

At the end of this term you will have achieved the following -


Ideas Generation Module - Complete
Communicating With Images Module - Complete


2D/3D design Module - part 1 complete
Design For Print Module - Complete
Critical and Cultural Studies - part 1 complete

Complete modules will be marked fully and you will be given marks and detailed feedback on your return from Xmas - part complete modules - you will get mid-mod feedback as needed.

You have several weeks break - both years will be given a project that is important for the work you are to be given straight after Xmas - so make sure you are really clear about what you need to do before we break up. I shall still be engaged as subject leader for the week starting December 19th if you need anything from me - but not after. FDA2 will also have been briefed on Essay 2.