Saturday, 28 January 2012

Timetable week starting Jan 30th

Monday 30th

FDA2 - 10am sharp - presentation of mid module Packaging work ( both projects )  - you marks will count towards the final grade. ( With Richard )

Tuesday 31st - Studio based work ( With Richard )

Wednesday - FDA1 - 10am start, Gary Neill with C&C.

Thursday FDA1 - 10am - New project with Tim Peplow and Richard - continues on Friday

It's really important that the mac books are used by all students, they have started being used by 'other departments' - and if we don't use them, we will lose them. Even if it's just a case of having them out on the desk.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

RE-Packaging the iPod

...and other interesting facts - very good for FDA2, but important for all students, and you MUST WATCH THE VIDEO.

Wednesday January 25th - important!!

Gary Neill is still unable to come in - so I shall cover. I'm going to be talking to him later about FDA1 content - and FDA2 probably could do with the chance to catch up on packaging - the attendance today was not great.

After I've spoken to him - I'll probably sort out a film for the afternoon.


If you are still not a member - you must subscribe to the Dexigner newsletter - it's full of news and competitions from the whole creative industries ( and will save me from having to gather it all together ).

There is also a very good overview of whats happening in design - and how the industry is developing - specific trends and how jobs and clients are changing - make sure you go through the archives.

LInk here.

Hand Written Letter Book

Now reprinted and available here for £4

Monday, 23 January 2012

Room to let

Large room in very posh house - central Old Town, 340pcm-ish - he'd like someone 'quiet and preferably not a drinker' - it's a very, very nice house. Enquire via me.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Timetable - week starting Jan 23rd

Monday - Gary Neill with FDA2 - working on Packaging, D&AD, YCN and RSA - very good feedback from Terry Lewis last week, well done.

Gary is unable to work Tuesday - so you will be with mew - I have moved the mid point presentation to Monday Jan 30th - at 10am sharp ( you are graded on this and given a predicted mark for the module ).

On Wednesday January 25th, martin has assured me that you have the Common Room.

FDA1 - you are with Gary on Wednesday for Critical and Cultural again, all day - and with Karen in the studio on Thursday and Friday - you are marked on your magazine project on Friday at 3pm, I'm probably going to be there too. Good feedback so far, well done.

I have been assured by Martin that a suite of laptops has been transferred to the Graphic Com. department from the Library - and that IT are now cleaning them and adding creative suite. These are for Graphic Com use only - along with the five 15' macbook pro's. Also, we have ordered Laptop chargers on the Art Department budget.

RE: Mid Pint Crit. This half term is dedicated to the packaging module - so that's the emphasis and what I am marking - the YCN & D&AD work is the 2/3D design module that is timetabled for the 2nd part of this term - and I need to confine the marking schedule to the module timetable - so, to confirm, Packaging only for mid-point marking.

Another great site

Core77 - great resources for the creative industries - jobs, portfolios and competitions. Catagories for the design awards are here.

Friday, 20 January 2012

ideas tap

Great site here with lots of opportunities and advice.

15 Printing Mistakes

Great site here, and really good, basic advice.

Good packaging

I the humour and storytelling here - well put together and simple - the concept is enough to make it work.

FDA2 Stamps

Some of you tried similar things with the Turing brief - this is very successful - partly because it's so beautifully laid out and the typography is so sharp.

You need to resolve all of your year 2 work - you can't afford to have any gaps in your portfolios.

Simple Solution

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Please take note.

All year 2 students applying to HE and all FdA FT 2 and PT 4 students applying to top-ups for 2012 - 13  should start applying for their funds on line at:

You are advised to keep note of your username, password, secret answers etc in case they need help.

New students will complete a PN1 and returning students a PR1. 

Year 2 FdA students applying to BA top-ups are classed as new students and should complete a PN1 please.

Many thanks

Alison Smith
Central Administrator
The Arts
01424 458505

Something for FDA2

Great project here - nice combination of modern and retro with some lovely surreal images - and a very innovative retail offer.

Ideas Fund Innovators - New Round Open to Applications
A new deadline has been announced for the Ideas Fund Innovators scheme, sponsored by IdeasTap.

Each application round (there are four per year) offers ten awards of £1,000 to young people within the UK between the ages of 16 and 25, who have a creative project in any artistic discipline that they want to get off the ground. In the past, dance and film projects, music videos and photography collectives have been supported.

The Fund will consider applications from groups or individuals within the UK for inspiring, original, realistic and innovative arts and creative projects, providing one person takes the lead and has the main responsibility for managing the application and any money awarded.
Applications must demonstrate that the Fund will enhance the quality and ambition of their ideas and projects in ways that would not be possible without the support of the Fund. Applicants must also be able to show that the project has not been done before. Applicants must be aged between 16 and 25 on 22 March 2012 and be resident in the UK.
The next deadline for applications is 22 March 2012.
Michael Hambridge
Arts and Cultural Development Officer
Hastings Borough Council
01424 451790

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

for FDA2

If you are still struggling with the conceptual side of the packaging / competitions briefs - cast your mind back to this project, the one I showed you on the first day back, and think about what I said.

Cravendale Sticker set / FDA2 Packaging

This is very similar to something I showed you at the initial briefing, and ties in with what a couple of you are trying to do.

Link to the site and downloadable stickers here.

Food Packaging

A corner from a new book on innovative food packaging ( yes, FDA2 - this is for you )

A handy competition

Very timely...

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Timetable - week starting January 16th

Monday, FDA2

Terry has to work commercially today, so Richard is filling in - you are working on the packaging module, YCN and D&AD briefs. I have a new copy of last years YCN winners and commended entries, very useful - looking at it last week, it's clear that the concepts were nothing better than anything I've seen at SCCH - but the finish was good - clear, concise and well presented.

In addition, it's also possible that some of you may be called up to interview at any time now - so start thinking about how to present your work. I still need to do a 1-2-1 tutorial with Dean, Charlotte and Chris.

It's also important that you tell me where you have applied and when you are called to interview - I have supplied all UCASS references, but I would like to brief you all first.

Tuesday - Terry lewis will be with you all day

Wednesday - FDA1, 10am start with Gary Neill, the start of Critical and cultural studies. In the afternoon, you will be back to The planets project, with gary.

Thursday and Friday, with Karen Wilks in the studio - 10am start. New project, magazine design.

FDA2 - on Wednesday you have access to the H.E. Common room from 10.15am (booked in your name) and the Illustration Studio computers.

Additionally, your class rep may wish to talk to you about feedback for the IQER, and you MUST complete the online student survey.

It's possible that I may also be in the college on Thursday from 10am - 12.30 am if anyone needs me.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

New logo treatment for the Royal College of Art - 175th anniversary
"Brody, who is dean of the RCA’s School of Communication, has created the logo to be used throughout the year.The RCA was founded in 1837 as the Government School of Design. It started out with just 12 students, based in a wing of Somerset House. The RCA now has an enrollment of more than 1100 students from 58 countries."
I don't mind this - I like the use of space and the way that the old and new are combined together.

Waterstones Re Brand

Interesting article that you should all read here about the de-brand of Waterstones. I think it's a well written rational - up to the point where they refer to the apostrophe, I would have preferred it if they just told the truth - it does not work as a URL. Personally - I find it objectionable that the last major bookseller chooses to disregard basic grammatical rules - and even more offensive that it's assumed the public are so stupid that they don't care.

Animation Competition

I've already flagged this up - more info here

UAL logo

Interesting article here about the proposed re-brand of the University of The Arts, London.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Links for FDA1

Some quick links for the FDA1 'Planets' brief.

The opening scene from 'contact'

a bit about the planets

10000 lakes

A clip from Sunshine

part of 'Holst's - Planets Suite ( Mars )

- and a link to one of my graphics archives on blogger.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Student Survey

The internal student survey is now ready to be completed by first and second year students.  The results of this survey will be used towards the IQER Student Written Submission.

Please can you ensure that you complete this survey.  You can access this through the attached link and this  will  be sent to your personal email addresses at the beginning of  week commencing 9 January.  The survey will close on the 19  January. <>

Sorry about the formatting - but this is how it came in to me and I don't have the time to reset it - but it's an interesting opportunity

> Create In Brighton is a graphic design, photography and illustration
> competition in association with KNOW THE NOT KNOWN and Tiger Beer. The
> competition is calling for Brighton & Hove based graphic designers,
> photographers and illustrators to enter in order to win a fantastic cash
> prize of £1000 and extensive promotion across all activity and PR.

> Tiger Beer have previously been running various events under the KNOW THE
> NOT KNOWN banner, including a series of live gigs and shows up and down the
> country, which music fans have had to ?seek out? in order to be rewarded
> with free tickets and Tiger Beer. The series now moves on to incorporate an
> arts focussed element, including this collaboration with Create In Brighton.

> Designers, illustrators and photographers either living, working or studying
> in Brighton and Hove will be able to enter their chosen piece of work for a
> chance to win a £1000 cash prize at Entries must
> follow the chosen theme of ?DISCOVER? and be submitted by 20.01.12.

> Second prize will be £500 and third prize, a substantial amount of Tiger
> Beer.

> 30 semi finalists will then be chosen by the expert panel made up
> of Lawrence Zeegen, Sarah Arnett and Kevin Meredith (aka Lomokev).

> The 30 semi-finalists will go on to exhibit their work in designated bars
> and venues across the city. The general public will be encouraged to ?seek
> out? the pieces in order to vote for their favourite in a Create In Brighton
> facebook gallery, and be rewarded with Tiger Beer.

> The ten most popular will go through to the Grand Final, which will involve
> an exhibition at a secret location, and talks from Lawrence Zeegen, Sarah
> Arnett and Kevin Meredith as well as the prize giving and live music.

> Lawrence Zeegen is currently the Dean of Design at London College of
> Communication and the ex Head of Visual Design at Brighton University. He is
> an illustrator, writer and lecturer. He has been regularly featured in The
> Guardian and has been involved in a number of prestigious design projects
> and competitions including a recent, high profile one with
> Adobe.

> Sarah Arnett is an illustrator & designer. Graduating from the University of
> Brighton, Sarah originally trained in woven textiles. Her career so far has
> seen her create a range of beautiful print dresses, illustrations, wallpaper
> and interior textiles. She was recently commissioned by Dior Perfumes to
> create an illustration influenced by Rene Gruau, and to show as part of
> 'Dior Illustrated: René Gruau and the Line of
> Beauty'.

> Kevin Meredith (AKA Lomokev) is a Brighton based photographer and teacher of
> photography. He is prolific within the city and has published several
> successful books. He has featured in a range of publications
> including National Geographic, Russian Esquire, BBC News website and Rolling
> Stone website. In 2006 sat on the panel of judges for's "Blink of
> the Eye" photo competition in New York and judged again in 2008 for
>'s "The SXSW Gallery Show" competition.

Need to know a.s.a.p!

I received this email from Katie Jackson – please let me know if this is something you wish to take on or not as they are working to a tight deadline.  If a student is unable to take this on that they will approach Marketing.

‘As discussed the Students Council needs its own branding and logo, we need to launch the logo before 24/02/2012.  We have no real design ideas, it just needs to be eye catching and something that will stand out.  Please can you let me know ASAP if a student would like to take this own, if they don't no problem I will go via marketing.’


We're delighted to announce our 2012 Douglas Adams Animation competition

Getting the Book Invented Properly...

The Literary Platform is hosting an international competition inviting creatives to produce an animation that illustrates a rare and prophetic audio recording of Douglas Adams talking in 1993 about the Evolution of the Book.
In 1993 Douglas Adams, the world-renowned author of The Hitchhikers Guide of the Galaxy, recorded a short piece of audio for his US publisher of the time – Bob Stein of Voyager Expanded Books. Who would know how prophetic his words would sound nearly twenty years later, and how accurate his sense of the evolution of the book was.
In this short recording, kindly donated to The Literary Platform by Bob Stein, Douglas Adams charts the evolution of the book from the ‘hardware problems’ of writing on rocks, to scrolls, to the bound book and finally the silicon chip.

Entries will be judged by Stephen Fry, Bob Stein (SocialBook, Inc), Ranjit Dhaliwal (The Guardian) and Merlin Nation and Chris Angelkov (Atyp).

Find out more about the competition here:

Monday, 9 January 2012

Art inspired by Alan Turing

Exhibition in Brighton during the science festival to mark the 100th anniversary of his birth.

In addition, there will be a stamp produced by the Post Office as part of their 'Great Britons' series.

Image created by 'paul' - a robot.

Friday, 6 January 2012


I am writing to invite your students to take part in the 2012 Young Creative Chevrolet Competition – a pan-European arts competition nurturing talent and building business acumen for young designers and artists across Europe. With amazing cash prizes available and a once-in-a-life-time opportunity to work with the most influential professionals in the industry, this is a fantastic opportunity for all emerging artists in the early stages of their career. You can find out more about Young Creative Chevrolet here: <>

Next year Chevrolet will launch seven new cars and the theme for 2012 will be in keeping with this. The brief will revolve around Chevrolet’s Make it Happen campaign and participants are encouraged to interpret this message in imaginative and unexpected ways.
Entrants (both individuals and groups) are asked to respond to a creative brief across one of five disciplines including: fashion, photography, video and visual art and the more unique the project the better. Please find a document attached to this email outlining the 2012 briefs for photography, design, fashion and film.
There are two levels to the competition, first a national round in June and second a European round in July culminating in an awards show in October announcing the overall winners within each category. 

All the national winners will be awarded with cash prizes of up to £1,000 and the first place winners will be invited to the European finals. There, they will be judged against other country finalists for a cash prize of up to €4,000 and a chance to work with top professionals in their disciplines. This is the ultimate prize for any budding artist looking to get a behind the scenes look at top companies in their industry.
Since its creation in 2007 the Young Creative Chevrolet competition continues to attract not only more students, schools and countries, but heightened media attention and jury members who are well-known leaders and innovators in their fields. This year’s 2011 awards ceremony was attended by English fashion designer, Wayne Hemmingway, one of Europe’s most respected graphic designers, Neville Brody and nominated Academy Award Film Director, Lucy Walker.
There is no cost at all to register for the competition or to submit an entry. Teachers can register on behalf of their class or if students want to enter independently as sole entries they will need to fill in their own registration forms. All entry details including the registration form can be found online at <>

chloe luper | account executive - Mischief PR

Timetable starting 9th Jan

A reminder here.

Useful article here that compares the old and new identities for the Design Museum shop - well worth reading through to the comments

Some interesting typo news for FDA1 - just as they start the appropriate module

Going Forward

How not to be a writer / Hack of all trades

£5 for non members  - free to members

26th January 2012 - 6pm - 8pm, Havelock Road

David Quantick
is a television writer (Harry Hill's TV Burp, Brass Eye, The Fast Show), "author" (Grumpy Old Men, The Dandy, Top Gear annual) and music writer (NME, Q, Uncut, "Revolution - The Making of the Beatles White Album"). 

In his 25 year career, David has written for anyone about anything, anywhere. In his mercifully brief talk, he discusses the highs and lows of his career, from working with Chris Morris and Armando Iannucci to being sacked from Coach Trip and offers advice to writers, professional and otherwise. This question and answer session is one not to be missed. 

To register please go to:

For FDA2

It's important that you remember the UCAS deadline for top-up applications for MOST courses is January 15th ( Some are later - and at SCCH we also sometimes accept late applicants )

If you are applying to Top Up, you will need a reference from me that I add to your application on Jan 15th ( It's done via UCAS, you don't get to see the reference ). 

If you are making an application, you must let me know beforehand, and tell me where you are applying to, different colleges favour different types of reference. Also, if you are making an application to entry into the 3rd year - make 100% sure that there are places available - and that you have the required qualifications - it's not always straight forward.

Some top-up courses have an 'accord' agreement with the UoB which means you are guaranteed an interview ( but not a place ) - this will be indicated on the application, Alison Smith can help you if you don't understand this part.

BIMM student seeks design student

I am a music student at BIMM doing a degree in songwriting and I am looking for some talented graphic design students to work with me on some music projects.  My projects include designing logo and flyers for my original band  'Sasparella Diesel', my covers band and my 'learn to sing' online course.

Any students interested in this opportunity should email or call me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Sally Garozzo
Singer/Songwriter/Vocal Coach <>
07711 649043

Czech design event and symposium

We are delighted to invite you to join us at the following events:

The Incredible Lightness of Being: Jiri Pelcl – Czech Design
Exhibition 7 January–20 February 2012
University of Brighton Gallery, Grand Parade
University of Brighton honorary graduate, Professor Jirí Pelcl is a leading Czech designer whose innovative and exciting work has been recognised internationally for more than two decades. He has received many highly prestigious design awards, invitations to lecture around the world and has had more than 20 solo and 110 group exhibitions globally. His place as an influential figure in design futures is conveyed through the work of a selection of present and former students included as the conclusion to the exhibition.

Czech Design – Independent, Free and Democratic? The Pelcl Symposium
One-day symposium: 20 January 2012
The Sallis Benney Theatre, University of Brighton, Grand Parade
The British premiere of much of Jirí Pelcl’s recent work in the University of Brighton Gallery provides an opportunity to study his work at first hand as well as the platform for a one-day symposium. Drawing on original contributions from design professionals, design critics, theorists and historians from the Czech Republic and the UK, the symposium will consider the ways in which Czech design horizons have changed since the mid 1980s when the ideologies of the Eastern Bloc began to undergo change and challenge. The emergence of a new democratic state has not been without its problems for design.

Speakers will include: Jirí Pelcl (AAAD, Prague), Sylva Petrova (Director of the Institute for International Research in Glass, University of Sunderland), David Crowley (Royal College of Art, London), Jyri Kermik (University of Brighton), Dagmar Koudelkova (AAAD, Prague), Martina Pachmanova (AAAD, Prague), Iva Knobloch (UPM, Prague) and Professor Jonathan Woodham.

The symposium fee is £50 (including lunch and refreshments), although we are delighted to offer the concessionary rate of £25 to University of Brighton alumni and £18 to retired or unemployed University of Brighton alumni.

An exhibition of student work from Design and Craft at the University of Brighton entitled DOING will accompany the show. DOING will illustrate the shift of emphasis from traditional disciplines to symbiosis and interdisciplinary partnerships within and around design and crafts.

Please visit for further details.