Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Important notice for FDA1

You are screenprinting on Wednesday May 26th - there are still a couple of you who have not done your presentations - David has asked that this is done on the afternoon of the first Monday after Half Term - in the morning there will be a session on how to turn your work into print ready artwork - I also want to talk to you about the Battle Arts brief ( I'll post about this later ) and the final presentation of your etching work.

You will have some work for half term to submit on the Monday Morning - but nothing heavy.

David also asked that you give in your presentations to Jane Padgett or myself today to ensure that they are done by end of play today - and that your completed PP portfolio is handed in on the Monday afternoon when we return after half term - I'll remind you again, but there will be no exceptions. If, for whatever reason you cannot attend ( and it needs to be a very good reason ) - it's your responsibility to make other arrangements to get it there on time.

I also want all your work removed from the studio this week -we are starting to strip the studio out and if it's anything you value - take it away before it's lost.

Keep your eye on the blog this week ( and next ) for further announcements.

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