Wednesday, 29 September 2010

More on the LDF

Interesting article in today's Guardian that leads on exactly from the earlier post and discussion about Ben Evans and Nevile Brody - and makes some sharp and appropriate observations about the current state of British Design.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think the answer to this guys question is that, in the world's eyes, wealth=success. If something requires money to exist then the absence of money will mean it will die - be it a business or running a car. Money is seen as the facilitator for life. A god. But then you could argue that that's been the case for the majority of mankind for most of history. The love of money and the accumulation of wealth is seen as the goal in life. It's not too difficult to see how this leads to segregation, selfishness, greed and feelings of failure in society. I'm reminded of that two ronnies sketch: "I look down him, but I look up to him".

    If you "do design" without the need for money to be used or made then isn't it art and not design? After all, wasn't the term "designer" first used to describe the person who made meticulous drawings of plans and patterns for workmen to make cheap copies of fashionable items in the 18th Century? The industry was born in consumerism! Designing chairs, cutlery and durable housing do indeed aid society but, lets be honest, someone must make money otherwise it wouldn't happen.
