Monday October 18th.
Studio day with Richard. I will have a short session in the morning about Adobe Indesign - it's a really simple, useful program that you can pick up as you go along. If anyone wants to talk to me abut Illustrator or Photoshop - now is a good time. We expect you to continue self tuition on the software packages - and ask a member of the teaching staff if you have any questions or need help - they are really important tools and not being able to use them properly will hold you back.
In the afternoon - I need your finished photographs from your day in Brighton, looking at typography in the Environment. I also want to talk to you about a couple of practical issues that have come up in the last few days. As this is the last week before the half term - we need to get everything finished off and any questions answered - after the break is a totally new work program leading up to Christmas - so talk to me about anything that you need to discuss.
I addition - I want to talk to you about Film Club, and we need to elect a class rep, and I'm going to brief you on a piece of research you can do over the break that supports the first brief when you get back.
Tuesday October 19th
Studio Session day with Gary Neill. This is your final day with Gary - he's been really impressed by your attitude and application. As this is just part of the Ideas Generation module - we are marking you on the groups you are working in - however, it's really important to understand that it's not the finished result that we are looking at - but your development and creative investment So, well dome all of you.
Wednesday October 20th.
Studio Session day with myself and David Fowler to resolve the Map brief and present in the afternoon. As we have an academic board meeting at 3.30 that myself and David must attend - I'm going to do this straight after lunch. Some really interesting work so far - so make sure you are ready to talk at 1.30pm.
James Caspian from The Moving Men Project will be in the department from 5pm - 6pm to review your work and make his selection.
Wednesday October 20th
Studio session day with Karen Wilkes. Karen was really pleased last week, she saw lots of positive progress and development in your work since last year - and most of you understood that last years work already looked dated and poorly presented. The final submissions for the Stamp Brief were really well put together ( Terry has them all ) and she can also help you with the 3 boards you need to present on Friday for the Coffee Shop brief. Remember - I emphasised PROFESSIONAL standards of presentation, ask Karen her opinion of what she sees and act on it.
In addition - a quick 5 min chat about a couple of small issues that have come up recently, and I want to talk about Film Club. There are also a couple of people who have not had their tutorials yet - must be done this week.
Thursday / Friday October 21/22nd
Studio Days with Richard. Coffee Shop project, presentation 3pm on Friday afternoon. You have a clear brief and there are lots of good ideas out there so far - but be very sure to present exactly as described in the brief, you cannot deviate from this - and don't get distracted by the interior decoration - that's part of the concept, but you have very clear specifications for the final board, so please don't get this wrong.
In addition. Straight after half term you have the Design For Print Module. I am more than happy to brief you now if it's what you want so that you have extra time for research - let me know today.
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