Wednesday, 2 February 2011

IQER - quite important!!

You have all heard me banging on about IQER enough times already this year - but it's really important to keep you all informed - you really need to know what's going on at this level.

As you know - Francesca has been working with us to provide the student voice. You should also feel that you are properly informed about everything - if there is anything that you feel you don't understand - or that there is information that you don't know how to access ( i.e. - how feedback works, how the course is structured, what are exam boards and appeals etc ) - and cannot find the information online or in the student handbook - please ask me, or ask Francesca or Olga to pass on any concerns.

Also - for the inspection later in the year ( March 23/4 ) - we are required to provide at least six samples of marked work, for 4 modules across both years. The easiest way to do that ( and the most democratic - because you should all feel that you are counted and part of the process ) - is for me to take in one piece of work from every student.

FDA1 - 16 students,

8 of you will hand in your typography and letterforms module
8 of you will hand in your Website design Module - which will be completed by then

FDA - 12 students

6 of you will hand in your Design for Print module
6 of you will hand in your packaging or C&C, depending on the outcome of each

I'd also like to show your P&P portfolio's - everything I've seen so far has looked very good.

This is really important, it gives the inspectors an overview of everyone and it's the most democratic way to do it - I have to give an honest representation of the course and can't be seen as picking favourites - and it's a really good chance for you to show how hard you have all worked.

Everything will be looked after and returned straight away.

Many thanks!

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