Saturday, 26 March 2011

Timetable starting Monday March 28th

( don't forget - the clocks go forward on Sunday - you lose an hours sleep )

This is an important week for both years. You need to clean up all the loose ends and finish everything before the break. FDA1 have work to do over Easter and a different kind of studio and work environment straight after - and FDA2 are about to start their FMP. They must also spend time preparing the proposal for their FMP, the first day back after the break, you will be with Andrey Robey all day to talk through your ideas - so be fully prepared.

Monday 28th

FDA1 - Final day this term with Gary Neill.

C&C in the morning and I AM A BRAND presentation in the afternoon.

FDA2 - C&C / PP / YCN / D&AD

Tuesday 29th

- Final studio day on the Website Design Module

FDA2 - C&C / PP / YCN / D&AD

Wednesday 30th

FDA1 - Presentation of Website Design work at 2pm in the studio

After your presentation you will be given a self appraisal form, and be briefed on your Easter break projects - and the work you will be given next term, you must be here for this session, no excuses.

FDA2 - hand in the completed YCN / D&AD to me at any time during today.

If you do not hand in your work today, it will be marked as a fail, no extensions, no excuses, no exceptions - you have had 3 months on this. It must be mounted and presented professionally. Once I have received the work it will be assessed on Thursday and Friday and you will be given a mark for the whole module.

PP - both years.

I will talk very briefly to both years about Professional Practice. I was very angry at the poor performance of the CV's - and as I was very explicit that they needed to be handed in as a hard copy to me by last Wednesday, I have deleted any emailed CV's without looking at them.

I'm getting a bit sick of students who can't be bothered to do what I ask and just think they can get away with emailing stuff to me when it suits them - I give you plenty of time, and clear instructions - I am only a fractional employee - and have to run a business outside my college teaching hours - I already do far too much extra time ( like now - Saturday night ) and some of you seem to think I am working at your convenience. It's worth pointing out that if there is a 'work to rule' as has been suggested over the proposed pay and hours cuts, then all outside of hours work will be suspended - and that includes this blog.

If I say hard copy - I mean hard copy. I will no longer accept anything else.

Both years have been given very clear, paginated instructions of what to deliver for PP - FDA1 MUST hand in the work on the morning of April 26th, FDA2 on the Morning of April 27th - I have a couple of portfolio's from previous years to show you that set the standard. If you cannot follow these instructions to the letter you will be failed. As this is a module - a fail means that you cannot pass through to top-up, year 2, of pass your FDA.

I will be around all week if anyone wants to talk to me about outstanding work or PP / Next term - but not over the holiday, and I am already booked to be working on something else - so although the blog will continue ( If I have the time ) - I will not be available to hold anyone's hand over Easter.

If it helps, imagine that I wrote this timetable wearing my red jumper.

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