Monday FDA2 - Open Studio - quite a few of you have interviews this week - come to me if there are any problems.
edit - I am working in the Staff Room all morning, if anyone needs me - come and find me
Monday FDA2 Work Experience. I need all the students who are working on the internal projects ( Salon, Restaurant, Gym, Ore Valley ) to be in the main studio at 2pm for a meeting - it's essential that you are there )
Tuesday FDA1 and 2, open studio. You all have work to do, there are plenty of projects going on at the moment. I also want to have a short meeting with FDA1 about their CV's and written submissions - I still don't have a full set.
Wednesday FDA1 - Open Studio - working on the Website Design brief - this is the creative part of this project - you must be very clear about what you want to achieve and the direction you are taking by today.
David Fowler will hopefully be able to come in and talk about (obsessive ) collecting - he's almost as bad as me. I'd also like to get everyone together in the afternoon to talk through what you are doing. Software training starts next week.
Wednesday FDA2 - Hannah Rollings has been booked for the whole of today specifically to work with students 1-2-1 on their essays. This week, if you are happy with your essay now - you must spend at least half an hour with Hannah checking that it's presentable and fully complete for Gary to mark - and then you can submit ( via me ). I'm not letting anyone had in their essays to Gary unless Hannah has reviewed them. Next week - if you are unhappy or feel you essay needs help - Hannah will be here specifically to help you. If there is a need for more help - I'll book her again to work with specific students. Gary is next here on March 30th for FDA2, It is ESSENTIAL that your essays are marked on schedule and you pass with the highest grade you can achieve - please talk to me this week if there are any problems. Essays returned to you as failed may have their marks capped at 40%, this will almost certainly bring you down a whole grade at the end of your FDA.
I don't want her sitting in that office on her own - I'll set up a schedule of appointments if I have to. It's in your interests to take advantage of this chance to improve your work.
FDA2 - 10.30am - morning tutorial group to meet up.
FDA2 - 1.30pm - afternoon tutorial group to meet up.
Camera Club.
In Term 3 - FDA1 have a joint project with Charlotte and John, Charlotte will be working with you on analogue / film based photography - and John will be working with you on digital. Because of timetabling issues ( and the fact that film based photography isn't actually part of the course structure ) Charlotte has agreed to work her section as an evening class - 4pm to 6.30pm - over 4 nights, dates to be confirmed. Although it's a non compulsary course - I'd take a dim view of anyone not attending. If anyone from FDA2 wants to join in, you are welcome.
If you do not already have a tradition style camera - there are a couple of mine that I can loan out - but I strongly recomend you get yourself an Olympus Trip - you should be able to pick one up for about £15.00 on ebay, or try freecycle etc. They are excellent little cameras and quite easy to get hold of. A good investment.
Andy Smith
Good news - Andy will be in the studio with his prints, books and folio for a talk with all of you on Wednesday 23rd March at about 2pm.
Thursday and Friday. I will be in the studio interviewing - it does not look as if anyone else will be there - (lets keep that one quiet)
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