Sunday, 22 May 2011

Timetable, week starting May 23rd

FDA2 - Your last week of the term - Myself, David and Gary Neil ( Wednesday 8th ) will be about to assist with your FMP. Remember - you only have a week after half term before the room is stripped out.

ALL PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE PORTFOLIOS must be handed in on Wednesday for marking over half term. If you fail to do so - the maximum you can be marked is 40% - I'm not being flexible here - you have had a year and plenty of warning - getting a low grade will drag all your over grades down, I've also been disappointed by how few I've seen, some have been excellent - most a bit dull and some pretty terrible. Make sure you check for spelling and punctuation errors - and poor formatting.

If you do not complete your portfolio - you fail your whole FDA

FDA1 - Your final week of the term (on paper)

Monday May 23rd

Last day with Peter Quinnell - Crit in the afternoon

Extra day with Myles Calvert - for anyone who needs him ( also June 6th )

Photography with Charlotte in the afternoon - she was really pleased with the results last week - but I could do with a few more of you ( FDA2 are welcome to join in ), She is also opening up the studio on the first Monday back after half term.

4 more Tutorials as timetabled

Tuesday May 24th

Last day with Myles for this project - but we have booked him for 2 more spare days if you need anything, Crit in the afternoon.

4 more Tutorials as timetabled

Wednesday May 24th

Gary Neill - last day of C&C.

All first years must clear the studio on Wednesday - anything left behind will be thrown away.

Wednesday PM - end of year drinks in The Jenny Lind from 6pm. All Welcome.

Next week is half term, with Monday as a bank holiday. If you wish to come in - make sure you email me first to check what's happening, but you should have access all the time. The first week back is the last week the studio is open - stripping down starts on Friday, very few computers will be available after this date - and they will be shared with the whole floor.

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