Friday, 28 October 2011

Next week.

Next weeks starts Monday 31st October - just like every other week.

Monday - FDA2

John Reynolds with week 1 ( of 2 ) of narrative photography / editing and telling a story with images - 10am sharp start in the studio, you will be given a project to complete for next week

Tuesday - FDA2

John Reynolds with week 1 ( of 2 ) of shooting product, really important practical studio practice skills - you will be asked to source your own work for next week

Wednesday - FDA2

Gary Neill / C&C  - 10am sharp start.

Wednesday - FDA1

You are Richard in the H.E. Common room on the 1st floor - presentation of your photography project and talk through your research brief, group talk about the future and your own ideas about design and future careers

Wednesday - Film Club.

The Mascot at 2.45-ish / Smashing time at about 3pm - talk first

Thursday - FDA1 

In the studio with Richard. Group studio practice and software skills day 1

Friday - FDA1

In the studio with Richard. Group studio practice and software skills day 2

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