An important week, last of this half term - the end of at least two modules - and very busy for everyone.
Monday and Tuesday - FDA2, in the studio with Richard
Wednesday - FDA 1 - in the morning, you have Gary Neil for C&C
In the afternoon, FDA2 are presenting their packaging module work for final marking to both Richard and Gary. This will be in the main studio - and FDA1 are invited to watch them present ( just as we did last year )
The H.E. common room is timetabled for you on Wednesday after 10.15am
Thursday and Friday - FDA1 are with Tim in the Studio - marking all their work at 3pm. I will also be in on on Friday for the marking.
Both years will be given paperwork regarding Professional Practice - you must make sure it's understood.
A quick note for FDA2. I just spoke to a mate who teaches at St Martins (who has also taught at SCCH), he had posted 'with 30 students who have not slept all night" - I asked what he meant and he said 'It's Crit day" - I told him that my students don't that - he replied "but these kids are hungry"
What do you mean, we don't do that? I am offended!