Monday, 26 March 2012

Presentation Tuesday March 26th

Starts 2pm with Gary Neill, who has kindly agreed to take the session at short notice.

Present all 3 projects for the 2D/3D brief - and your packaging brief for the final 15%.

He has already been given detailed feedback and mark sheets for each student.

This is the formal end of module mark, on projects that you have been working on for up to 3 months. Non attendance will be marked as a fail.

Wednesday - John Reynolds will be in the studio as arranged to help shoot work for your websites/portfolio etc.

Gary has been instructed to ask you to leave the work behind, it will be collected and cross marked by Vanessa Marr ( incoming Subject Leader )

Jane Paget will provide Gary with Module Briefs for the Final major Project and year 2 professional Practice brief, and a 'to do' list for the shows. Make sure that ALL year 2 collect a copy.

Ali will confirm the timetable for term 3 by the end of this week,. this will include show dates, examination board and anything else you need for term three - for both years.

The year 1 presentations will be on Friday as timetabled - make sure you take advantage of John Reynolds.

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