Friday, 30 March 2012

Term 3 etc.

Draft Timetable - term 3 ( subject to change )

Week 1 - starting April 16th.

Monday - non teaching day - Handover to new SL

Tuesday / Wednesday  - FDA2

Thursday / Friday FDA1

The rest of the term to be confirmed by Vanessa Marr

Fwd Dates

The New SL will confirm the dates when the ground floor room is available to put up the show - it will hopefully be a full week 

External Examiner ( required Attendance FDA2 ) - 19th / 20th June

Exam Board ( required Attendance FDA2 ) - June 20th

Show Private View 22nd June

Show Dates 23 - 27 ( attendance / take down required )

Final Day of Term - June 29th ( FDA1 teaching )


I have asked Martin Symons ( Head of School ) to draft a letter / policy document regarding the responsible and appropriate use of social media - in p[articular, anything associated with or branded as the course.n In a professional environment - abuse, or misuse, of social media platforms may result in dismissal, and in a college context - removal from the course. I also suggest that you make groups 'closed' - and not allow people from outside the course to view, follow or post. That is just common sense.

I have marked the work that you presented to Gary Neil ( FDA2 ) - it will also be cross marked by Vanessa. I was very disappointed by some of the poor standard of presentation - it seems that some of you failed to grasp that 15% was dedicated to presentation quality - and simple re-presented the same work - costing you the extra grade. I cannot understand the logic in this - you were given a huge amount of time and very clear guidance here.

John Reynolds was very disappointed at the poor turnout on Thursday - however - the first years made good use of him. I would remind you that you are contracted to a full time course, 5 days per week, 32 weeks per year.

Jackie Attwoold would like to thank the first years for cleaning up the print room - it is much appreciated.

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