Sunday, 20 March 2011

Timetable, week starting March 21st

This is going to be a difficult week, apart from the Royal Visit on Tuesday many of us are tied up with the inspection and what could be happening on Thursday - so please do your best to keep it all together - I'll keep you informed of any changes as they occur.

Monday 21st

FDA1 - Gary Neil with C&C - lecture in the morning and 'I AM A BRAND' in the afternoon, I'll also arrange the date for Gary to catch up with the missing lecture.

FDA2 - this week, you still have competition briefs and CC / P&P - carefully check the note in red at the end of this timetable.

I will also give you the marks for your packaging module.

Tuesday - 22nd

Royal Visit.

From 8.30am until at least 1.30pm, the college will be occupied by the visit from The Princess Royal. This does not directly involve anyone above the 3rd floor ( that's us ) but all day there will either be events, displays and other attractions in the atrium - and during the actual unveiling of the plaque by HRH there will be some speeches and you can watch from the baconies. It's probably not a good time to go wandering about as there will be a lot of security.

You must all, without exception wear your card and lanyard at all times or you will be excluded from the building.

FDA1 - at 1.30pm I'd like you all in the studio to review Website design as a group and I'll give you mid-mod feedback.

Wednesday - 23rd IQER Inspection day 1

This is a major event for all staff, and we shall be participating at various times during the day (as will your course reps). You all have plenty of work to do - Hannah is also involved so there will be no mentoring this week ( she is only missing one student from these sessions, you know who you are... )

FDA1 & 2, at approx 2pm Andy Smith will be in the studio to show his portfolio, I want you all here for this.

Thursday - 24th IQER Inspection day 2 / Strike action by UNISON members

This is day 2 of the inspection, I'm also informed that the teachnig union will be on strike, and as such - I really would prefer you not to use the college today, you are not timetabled.

Friday - 25th

Free studio. I'm not aware of anyone using the room today.

All groups, C&C - this will be the penultimate week of Gary's lectures - so if either group are unsure about anything, ask him today. All FDA2 ( except one ) have had extra mentoring sessions and Gary gave you 3 weeks extra time on this essay. It MUST be handed in on the due date, no excuses.

PP - both years. You have all been given instructions about this - and both years have had a breakdown on paper of what is expected, I have also spent time with nearly all of you looking at your CV's - I want a draft copy of your new CV on Wednesday afternoon before you go home - that means ALL STUDENTS - FDA1 and 2, and it must be hard copy, not digital.

FDA2 - You have had very clear instructions about the written requirement on your PP module, and how to present it - if it is not all finished by the end of term, I will consider capping your marks at 'pass'. The students who have worked on college projects will have their written evaluation done by me.

I have been at pains to point out how important it is to get high marks in this module, it could drag you right down of you don't put the effort in here.

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