Wednesday 27 April 2011

Timetable Change FDA2

There has been a bit of an issue - without my knowledge - someone has booked the photography shooting studio next Wednesday morning for an observed teaching exercise for teir PCG certificate - this messes up an important session with the Photography group.

I've had a chat with John - and there is a solution.

Next Wednesday - swap around - so the group that was with John today are with Hannah on the narrative illustration brief - and the group with Hanna have their first session with John - he will give you a talk and show in the studio - and then take you into the shooting studio after lunch.

This way - you all get an extra week to work on your projects, and nobody misses any time and the disruption does not bother anyone - does that make sense??

Wednesday 27th - group 1 - John,    group 2 - Hannah

Wednesday 47th - group 2 - John,    group 1 - Hannah

Wednesday 11th - group 1 - John,    group 2 - Hannah

Wednesday 18th - group 2 - John,    group 1 - Hannah

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