Wednesday 26 October 2011

Stuart Griffiths

I went to the PV and talk last night ( only one of you turned up ) by the photographer Stuart Griffiths, it was very interestng - in particular - the first part where he talked with the publisher of his book about how they went through the design process and developed a clever way of combining text with powerfull images - starting by editing the trxt - then realising it was still too wordy, and then using the device of 'redacting' that you hear somuch about to create a typographic techniqur - and developing a new font to suit.

Really good stuff and powerful images. The book designers had also come over and would have been happy to talk to anyone.

There are loads of things like this in the general area all through the year and you really need to take advantage of them, even if the weather was as bad as last night.

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