Monday 14 November 2011

Free Seminar

Turning Your Ideas into Reality
2.00pm – 4.00pm, Wednesday 14th December 2011
Room 4.15 at The University of Brighton, Hastings Campus

Got a good idea, but have no idea how to realise it?

Having a great idea is one thing, but turning it into reality can be a challenge. Did you know it wasn't until his 5126th prototype that James Dyson was finally satisfied with his first bagless vacuum cleaner? Even then, he still had to ensure that he could promote the product, prove each and every one of his products were safe to use, protect his intellectual property, find premises to work from, hire and keep his staff happy, write contracts and agreements and keep within the right side law on issues like tax, employment and company structure. I'm glad to say that Sir Dyson did alright in the end though!

Come to this workshop at the University to see how you can easily develop a plan with tools which can help you move your idea forward and turn it into a viable reality.

To register please email Brad at

Further enterprise workshops are scheduled for 2012 and will be available to none students at a small cost. The costs are being finalised currently and we will publish these in due course.

Esther Brown
University of Brighton, Hastings Campus

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