FDA1 - Mon/Tue/Wed
You are working with me and David on your retail briefs - Kay Avery-Stallion from 'St Leonards' will be coming in for the final presentation the week after to help me mark your work and will be talking to you about designing for retail and setting up as an independent design company - so make sure your work is as good as you can get it, really good opportunity here to get noticed.
You are with me on your design for print brief on Wednesday and Friday - I'm going to talk to you on Wednesday about getting your work ready for presentation. John Grindrod, Marketing Director from Faber & Faber will be here on the last day of term to help me assess the module and talk about the design for print industry - so do everything you can to impress him, Leah from Top Up talked about how important her W.E. experience at Faber was for her personal development and how they are still helping her - really important opportunity for you all to be the best you can.
On Thursday - it's day 1 of your C&C with Gary Neill- you MUST be ready to start at 10am, I've talked to you all about how important it is to stay on top of this module - that's why we have brought it forward this year.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
The Future
Some of the biggest names in design predict the future here - a big part of my professional practice has always been in trend forecasting, it takes so long to get some things to happen - that you need to have your head 12 months in the future all the time to stay at the top of your game.
More 3D projections.
Amazing Xmas display on the H&M in Amsterdam. This is actually really simple - the front of the building treated as a blank page and a bit of imagination used. It just goes to demonstrate that as young designers you really need to be in touch with everything that's happen in your industry - and that technology makes EVERYTHING possible - no matter what your imagination conjours up.
The Weather...
Now that we are in a nice, new, central building with climate control - it's very unlikely that we will have the same weather related grief as last year - I can't imagine college being closed again this year ( and the staff will be in regardless ). However.... if we do have deep snow and the transport is affected again, I'll be using this blog to make sure you don't miss anything - in particular, C&C - FDA2 really suffered last year because the blizzards interrupted Gary's sessions - they are too important to miss so if anything happens this year, I'll re-schedule them.
Friday, 26 November 2010
For FDA 2 - Online image creation / text manipulation training.
To tie in with what you arew doing for the book project - there are many websites that give free training and tips in software packages, here is a good one with some handy examples that are all useful for the book brief.
Water effect text ( in pixelmator - but easy to recreate in photoshop )
Casino style lettering in neon using photoshop
Dramatic photo collage to create drama and atmosphere in photoshop
Water effect text ( in pixelmator - but easy to recreate in photoshop )
Casino style lettering in neon using photoshop
Dramatic photo collage to create drama and atmosphere in photoshop
Tom Phillip's 'A Humument'
Tom Philips says that the pages of his treatment of an obscure Victorian Novel 'look better on the ipad than they do in real life'
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Very useful doccumentary for all Students
The Foods that make Billions, on BBC iplayer - the history of bottled water ad it's marketing machine. Both years have had a water brief of some kind, so well worth a look.
Filming in Hastings Today
The BBC is filming in the Old Town today along the High Street for a program on how independent retailers are keeping the High Street going, as larger retailers and group brands struggle. This ties in very neatly with the FDA1 retail brief - and the kind of things we talked about this week.
Showcase: Anthony Burrill
Anthony Burrill Interview here, his work is very popular and would be interesting for the FDA1 retail brief.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Wednesday 24th November
I'm going to be in later than usual tomorrow ( lunchtime ) but I will be in the department until 9pm if anyone needs anything.
FDA1 are with Karen ( day 4 of 4 ) - she will be reviewing your working and giving me marks and feedback - so make sure you are there.
FDA2 you have loads to do - so take full advantage of the time, I'll be getting Jane to do the morning register for me.
After lunch I have a couple of extra things I need to do - I will be giving you all some Health and safety paperwork that you must complete and return to enter onto work experience, and some feedback and self appraisal forms to complete and return to me next week.
Also - I need your final submissions for Film Club - as discussed....... and anyone who wants to get involved in the Electric Blowhole needs to talk to me too.
John Grindrod from Faber & Faber has agreed to review the Design for Print module again this year. You have a choice - he can come in next week to talk to you and give you feedback before you finish - or the week after to look at your completed work. can you let me know which you would prefer.
Also - don't forget, Critical and Cultural starts again next week for FDA2.
FDA1 are with Karen ( day 4 of 4 ) - she will be reviewing your working and giving me marks and feedback - so make sure you are there.
FDA2 you have loads to do - so take full advantage of the time, I'll be getting Jane to do the morning register for me.
After lunch I have a couple of extra things I need to do - I will be giving you all some Health and safety paperwork that you must complete and return to enter onto work experience, and some feedback and self appraisal forms to complete and return to me next week.
Also - I need your final submissions for Film Club - as discussed....... and anyone who wants to get involved in the Electric Blowhole needs to talk to me too.
John Grindrod from Faber & Faber has agreed to review the Design for Print module again this year. You have a choice - he can come in next week to talk to you and give you feedback before you finish - or the week after to look at your completed work. can you let me know which you would prefer.
Also - don't forget, Critical and Cultural starts again next week for FDA2.
More on the Thom York event in Brighton
Needed: Participants and volunteers for biggest ever Climate Change International Art Project: EARTH 350 in Brighton & Hove
To take place: this Sat 27th Nov, Hove
Would you like to be part of creating the biggest Climate Change International Art Project ever?
350.org have teamed up with Brighton & Hove 10:10 and Thom Yorke from Radiohead to create an Ariel art piece that will be part of EARTH 350 weekend on November 27th. UoB is signed up to 10:10 and is a major partner in Brighton & Hove 10:10.
We are gathering 1800 people to come and make a design of King Canute, on Hove Lawns. To sign up to say you'll be there as part of the design follow this link http://earth.350.org/locations/england/.
We also need 100 volunteer stewards to help with the design and managing the crowd.
If you can help out on either Friday afternoon or Saturday (10am - 2pm) please contact tom@brightonandhove1010.org. Please only contact if you want to help with the setup and creation of the design. If you just want to come along on Sat and be part of the design follow this link http://earth.350.org/locations/england/.
This image will be photographed by satellite from space as part of a selection of Ariel art works about climate change, from 18 other countries across the globe.
Can you help us pull off this amazing project next weekend?
Be part of one of Brighton & Hove’ biggest Climate Change events. Help us show the world that people in the UK care about Climate Change and want to take steps to making a difference.
This is a fantastic chance to come together and create an amazing Art Project for Climate Change.
If you would like to work on this project with us, please send us all your contact information and your availability for Friday and Saturday next week, please contact:
To take place: this Sat 27th Nov, Hove
Would you like to be part of creating the biggest Climate Change International Art Project ever?
350.org have teamed up with Brighton & Hove 10:10 and Thom Yorke from Radiohead to create an Ariel art piece that will be part of EARTH 350 weekend on November 27th. UoB is signed up to 10:10 and is a major partner in Brighton & Hove 10:10.
We are gathering 1800 people to come and make a design of King Canute, on Hove Lawns. To sign up to say you'll be there as part of the design follow this link http://earth.350.org/locations/england/.
We also need 100 volunteer stewards to help with the design and managing the crowd.
If you can help out on either Friday afternoon or Saturday (10am - 2pm) please contact tom@brightonandhove1010.org. Please only contact if you want to help with the setup and creation of the design. If you just want to come along on Sat and be part of the design follow this link http://earth.350.org/locations/england/.
This image will be photographed by satellite from space as part of a selection of Ariel art works about climate change, from 18 other countries across the globe.
Can you help us pull off this amazing project next weekend?
Be part of one of Brighton & Hove’ biggest Climate Change events. Help us show the world that people in the UK care about Climate Change and want to take steps to making a difference.
This is a fantastic chance to come together and create an amazing Art Project for Climate Change.
If you would like to work on this project with us, please send us all your contact information and your availability for Friday and Saturday next week, please contact:
Monday, 22 November 2010
For FDA1
An example - for today. The power of the brand language.
exhibit 1 - The Futureheads first album. Great logo - great graphics, great album - good sales and loads of airplay - good merchandising sales too.
exhibit 2 - The Futureheads 2nd album, horrible logo, horrible cover, great album - as good as the first, terrible sales and dropped by the record company - no merchandising sales.
I rest my case.
exhibit 1 - The Futureheads first album. Great logo - great graphics, great album - good sales and loads of airplay - good merchandising sales too.
exhibit 2 - The Futureheads 2nd album, horrible logo, horrible cover, great album - as good as the first, terrible sales and dropped by the record company - no merchandising sales.
I rest my case.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Timetable week starting November 22nd
Monday 22nd - FDA1
Start of a new Ideas Generation / 2/3D projects - 10am start
Tuesday 23rd FDA1
Day two of new brief
Wednesday 24th - FDA1
Day 4 of 4 with Karen Wilks and presentation of work
Wednesday 24th - FDA2
Design for print module - week 4 of 6
Thursday 25th - FDA2
Design for print module
Friday 26th - FDA2
Design for print module
In addition - I need to present Andy Warne with the finished work for Film Club on Wednesday, and I will introduce Professional Practice modules to both years. I will also be giving tutorials to selected FDA1 students.
Start of a new Ideas Generation / 2/3D projects - 10am start
Tuesday 23rd FDA1
Day two of new brief
Wednesday 24th - FDA1
Day 4 of 4 with Karen Wilks and presentation of work
Wednesday 24th - FDA2
Design for print module - week 4 of 6
Thursday 25th - FDA2
Design for print module
Friday 26th - FDA2
Design for print module
In addition - I need to present Andy Warne with the finished work for Film Club on Wednesday, and I will introduce Professional Practice modules to both years. I will also be giving tutorials to selected FDA1 students.
Letterpress exhibition
Click here for interesting exhibition
"Exhibition Reverting to Type will explore the modern execution of letterpress through the work of twenty practitioners.
Time and again hand-crafted type continues to assert itself over other printing, graphic and digital techniques, which supposedly outmodes letterpress by several centuries."
The Black Cloud re-issue
I was surprised that none of FDA 2 decided to do this book ( and that almost everyone went for the two books that had been made into recent films... ), but The Black Cloud has been re-issued with a very good, striking cover that shows how you can create interest and expression quite simply. It's also a good example of combining the image and text material.
Review here.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Brighton?England?Earth 350
Be part of a sculpture by Artist Stanley Donwood and Radiohead's Thom York -Saturday November 27th. All the details are here.
This November 20-28, 350 EARTH will launch the world’s first ever global climate art project. In over a dozen places across the globe, citizens and artists will create massive public art installations to show how climate change is already impacting our world as well as offer visions of how we can solve the crisis. Each art installation will be large enough to be seen from space and documented by satellites generously provided by DigitalGlobe.
You must register to get the location invitation - and follow the directions.
This November 20-28, 350 EARTH will launch the world’s first ever global climate art project. In over a dozen places across the globe, citizens and artists will create massive public art installations to show how climate change is already impacting our world as well as offer visions of how we can solve the crisis. Each art installation will be large enough to be seen from space and documented by satellites generously provided by DigitalGlobe.
You must register to get the location invitation - and follow the directions.
Sounds Maps
This is brilliant - ties in with the FDA1 map brief and the Arcade Fire site we all looked at.
Friday, 19 November 2010
Showcase. Matt Stephens
Interesting designers portfolio and blog site - of interest to both FDA1 and 2 - it is very 'American' and stylistically and contextually - some of it may be lost in translation - but some very nice work - including the piece above that ties in with the work you have all done with Gary Neill and Terry Lewis, can you work them all out?
Thursday, 18 November 2010
The Beauty of Diagrams

Sorry, sorry, sorry - I know it's late but I didn't know this was going to be on ( I don't actually watch much telly )
BBC4 tonight - 8.30 - part 1 of 6 - website here
Series in which mathematician Marcus du Sautoy explores the stories behind some of the most familiar scientific diagrams.
He looks at Leonardo da Vinci's world-famous diagram of the perfect human body, which has many layers from anatomy to architecture, and defines our species like no other drawing before or since. The Vitruvian Man, drawn in the 1480s when he was living and working in Milan, has become one of the most famous images in the world. Leonardo's drawings form a vast body of work, covering every imaginable subject in spectacular detail: from feet, skulls and hands to muscles and sinews; from hearts and lungs to buildings, bridges and flying machines.
Vitruvian Man perfectly synthesises Leonardo's passions for anatomy, for the mechanics of the human body and for geometry. It is also full of surprises, illustrating an ancient architectural riddle set out 1,500 years earlier by the classical writer Vitruvius about the relative proportions of buildings and men; a riddle that, even today, still fascinates and beguiles experts and viewers alike.
Robin Day has died
One of the most important people in contemporary design, at the age of 95. Obituary here.
How they make braile books
I found this really interesting, some useful background information here.
Jobs at The Towner
I was really lucky to find out about this - I know that a few of you have been trying to get Jobs at the Towner for some time and they are really hard to get - so read carefully!!!! Even if you are not on JSA and want to work at the Towner - have a go.
Marketing & Communications Assistant & Visitor Assistant job opportunities...
Towner, Eastbourne's award-winning new art gallery, has received funding from the government's Future Jobs Fund (via Eastbourne Borough Council) to create a number of paid short-term positions for people who are currently claiming Job Seekers Allowance.
Please note: the Future Jobs scheme is now open to anyone aged 18 - 24 who is claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA), even if you have only just started to claim! If this describes you, please visit your local job centre to apply. If you are over 24 and claiming JSA, you may still be eligible for this role; please enquire at your local job centre to see if you live in a Future Jobs 'hotspot'.
Marketing & Communications Assistant
This is a varied and interesting role which will involve supporting our Communications & Marketing Manager in all aspects of the promotion of Towner's exhibitions and events, including press, PR, website and distribution of Towner printed materials. This is a front line position and you will be a vital ambassador of Towner's varied programme, promoting and delivering key messages to a variety of audiences. You will be highly personable with excellent communication and organisational skills. A driving license and a keen interest in art are desirable.
Visitor Assistant
This is a varied and interesting role which will involve working alongside our highly celebrated gallery assistant team. You will provide exceptional front line services in Towner's galleries, promoting exhibitions, events, education and outreach programmes to a wide audience. In addition you will spend one day a week working behind the scenes supporting our Operations & Visitor Services manager and will play a vital part in the running of the gallery. You will be highly personable with excellent communication and organisational skills. A keen interest in art is desirable.
These are exciting opportunities to become part of the Towner team, and to gain a valuable insight into the workings of a cutting edge gallery which regularly tops The Independent's 'best art shows around the country'!
The scheme will offer positions with a six month contract for a minimum of 25 hours per week, for a rate of at least national minimum wage.
The application deadline is Friday 26 November, so please act fast to take advantage of this opportunity.
Please note: all applications must go through your local job centre. Towner is unable to provide further information on these roles.
Marketing & Communications Assistant & Visitor Assistant job opportunities...
Towner, Eastbourne's award-winning new art gallery, has received funding from the government's Future Jobs Fund (via Eastbourne Borough Council) to create a number of paid short-term positions for people who are currently claiming Job Seekers Allowance.
Please note: the Future Jobs scheme is now open to anyone aged 18 - 24 who is claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA), even if you have only just started to claim! If this describes you, please visit your local job centre to apply. If you are over 24 and claiming JSA, you may still be eligible for this role; please enquire at your local job centre to see if you live in a Future Jobs 'hotspot'.
Marketing & Communications Assistant
This is a varied and interesting role which will involve supporting our Communications & Marketing Manager in all aspects of the promotion of Towner's exhibitions and events, including press, PR, website and distribution of Towner printed materials. This is a front line position and you will be a vital ambassador of Towner's varied programme, promoting and delivering key messages to a variety of audiences. You will be highly personable with excellent communication and organisational skills. A driving license and a keen interest in art are desirable.
Visitor Assistant
This is a varied and interesting role which will involve working alongside our highly celebrated gallery assistant team. You will provide exceptional front line services in Towner's galleries, promoting exhibitions, events, education and outreach programmes to a wide audience. In addition you will spend one day a week working behind the scenes supporting our Operations & Visitor Services manager and will play a vital part in the running of the gallery. You will be highly personable with excellent communication and organisational skills. A keen interest in art is desirable.
These are exciting opportunities to become part of the Towner team, and to gain a valuable insight into the workings of a cutting edge gallery which regularly tops The Independent's 'best art shows around the country'!
The scheme will offer positions with a six month contract for a minimum of 25 hours per week, for a rate of at least national minimum wage.
The application deadline is Friday 26 November, so please act fast to take advantage of this opportunity.
Please note: all applications must go through your local job centre. Towner is unable to provide further information on these roles.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Something for next xmas
Nice competition for Hugo Boss..... as you are in the mood. From Emily Stone / Top Up.
Free Event / Workshop
Are you starting out as a freelancer or a creative professional? Does your business struggle when it comes to creating and analysing valid business ideas? Do you have an idea you wish to develop and understand its potential?
If so, this workshop could be the chance for you to learn some new techniques to generate and analyse ideas, enabling you to feel confident in taking them forward.
Creating and analysing your ideas
Thursday 25th November
2pm to 4pm
Room 4.15, University Centre Hastings, Havelock Road
Delivered by Clare Griffiths, Business Development Manager (Entrepreneurship)
- NCGE Entrepreneurship Education Fellow
- Enterprise Champion 2009, awarded by NCGE and EEUK
Clare is an experienced and successful facilitator in entrepreneurship and delivers interactive workshops to ensure participants learn from each other and take away something of value.
‘I enjoyed the enterprise workshop very much – it was very relaxed and accessible and helped me to think outside the box!’ Sarah Macbeth, freelancer
‘I enjoyed the enterprise workshop very much – it was very relaxed and accessible and helped me to think outside the box!’ Sarah Macbeth, freelancer
Places are limited and booking is therefore essential. If you would like to attend, please contact Kay Bullen at the Media Enterprise Centre: k.bullen@brighton.ac.uk / 01424 428590.
Congratulations Due
FDA1 Courtney Vizard has had some brilliant news, and congratulations are due - this is quite an achieement. I'll put up a link to the film as soon as it's available.
"....while I was doing A-level art and design we had a few film making workshops by a group called 'ACAVA' (Association for Cultural Advancement through Visual Art)
I decided to write quite a self explanatory poem entitled 'Life Without Art' and turn it into a short film. I did so and thought nothing more of it, until yesterday evening, I got a call from my old art teacher telling me the European Cultural Foundation who have links with ACAVA came across it, selected it out of 2000 short-listed video's as one of 10 to be shown during International Film Festival in Amsterdam and they would like to invite me over there.
The European government is planning drastic cuts in the budget for art and culture, and apparently there are loads of protests all over Europe. 'Life Without Art' has been picked by IDFA to be screened in libraries and galleries across Amsterdam and on huge urban screens including the one at the Rembrandtplein (one of the biggest outdoor screens in Europe) - to point out the importance of culture and art.
They're flying me out there on Thursday, all expenses paid, I'll be staying in a top hotel and will have access to all the events over the weekend and will be part of a a weekend Art Academy programme where I'll meet industry professionals from all areas of art & culture and take part in some photographic and cinematography workshops - then fly home Monday evening.
Also just received this email from a guy at the EuroCult Foundation:
"We have just heard very nice news of IDFA:
IDFA will open (this is the world's biggest documentary festival) with your film "Life without Art", it will be the first film shown, and be repeated on regular intervals throughout the festival. Ally Derks, the director of IDFA regards it as a great statement in these difficult public arts funding times, you should not underestimate this opportunity."
"....while I was doing A-level art and design we had a few film making workshops by a group called 'ACAVA' (Association for Cultural Advancement through Visual Art)
I decided to write quite a self explanatory poem entitled 'Life Without Art' and turn it into a short film. I did so and thought nothing more of it, until yesterday evening, I got a call from my old art teacher telling me the European Cultural Foundation who have links with ACAVA came across it, selected it out of 2000 short-listed video's as one of 10 to be shown during International Film Festival in Amsterdam and they would like to invite me over there.
The European government is planning drastic cuts in the budget for art and culture, and apparently there are loads of protests all over Europe. 'Life Without Art' has been picked by IDFA to be screened in libraries and galleries across Amsterdam and on huge urban screens including the one at the Rembrandtplein (one of the biggest outdoor screens in Europe) - to point out the importance of culture and art.
They're flying me out there on Thursday, all expenses paid, I'll be staying in a top hotel and will have access to all the events over the weekend and will be part of a a weekend Art Academy programme where I'll meet industry professionals from all areas of art & culture and take part in some photographic and cinematography workshops - then fly home Monday evening.
Also just received this email from a guy at the EuroCult Foundation:
"We have just heard very nice news of IDFA:
IDFA will open (this is the world's biggest documentary festival) with your film "Life without Art", it will be the first film shown, and be repeated on regular intervals throughout the festival. Ally Derks, the director of IDFA regards it as a great statement in these difficult public arts funding times, you should not underestimate this opportunity."
Web Developers and Designers Unite
Message from Esther Brown at the Media Enterprise Center
( that's in the building opposite the studio with 'Media Enteprise Center" in big letters on the window )
We held a meeting over at the Creative Media Centre a few months ago for freelancers and companies with an interest in web design and development.
As a result of this we identified a willingness for people to network and for local professionals to get together on a regular basis in order to share knowledge, experiences and skills.
We have set a regular date in the diary to meet every third Wednesday of the month in Pisarro's at 6pm to 8pm. These meet ups are informal and we would welcome anyone with an interest in web to attend.
The more people who attend the more value people will gain.
The next meeting is the 17th November and we would love to see you there. Please contact me if you wish to find out more.
( that's in the building opposite the studio with 'Media Enteprise Center" in big letters on the window )
We held a meeting over at the Creative Media Centre a few months ago for freelancers and companies with an interest in web design and development.
As a result of this we identified a willingness for people to network and for local professionals to get together on a regular basis in order to share knowledge, experiences and skills.
We have set a regular date in the diary to meet every third Wednesday of the month in Pisarro's at 6pm to 8pm. These meet ups are informal and we would welcome anyone with an interest in web to attend.
The more people who attend the more value people will gain.
The next meeting is the 17th November and we would love to see you there. Please contact me if you wish to find out more.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Bill Gold
Nice article from The Independent about the great cinema poster designer Bill Gold, by Clint Eastwood - with picture gallery.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Alphabets, a miscellany.
From the Guardian today - including the letter U by Hastings' own Ben Eine.
Novovirus / winter vomiting virus
It's that time of year again and I've had several emails about NovoVirus - obviously if you are ill with this - I don't want you to bring it into the college and pass it to everyone else - stay at home and follow doctors orders - but remember, you are still responsible for catching up. Make sure that all your work is marked - and catch up on anything that you miss in your own time. You can come into college 5 days a week, so please don't get left behind.
Internships / Wired Sussex
Not strictly suitable for all of you - but Wired Sussex are a really good resource in digital design - and they collate a number of WE and internships - this is from their latest email.
You should all be starting to look at what happens after you graduate - and internships are a really good way to get into the industry and find your feet - so start making contacts while you are still here and register with as many sites and agencies as you can.
As you might know, Wired Sussex has run the Sussex Internship Programme over the last 2 years, along with the University of Sussex. We have 6 remaining placements left to fill in the next few weeks - we really need to get these positions filled otherwise the funding due to go to these graduates will be wasted. I wonder if I could ask for some of your help in getting details out to some of your lists/networks as soon as possible?
In brief, the internships are 4 weeks long and successful applicants will receive invaluable experience, training and financial support (minimum wage for the duration of the placement. Currently the % of graduates offered full-time employment by the company they interned with since the scheme started stands at around 60%. The deadline to apply for these positions is next Friday 19 November.
To be eligible, applicants must have either graduated with a Bachelor's or Master's degree from a university or affiliated college in East Sussex or West Sussex in 2008, 2009 or 2010 or graduated with a Bachelor's or Master's degree from any other UK university in 2008, 2009 or 2010 AND have a permanent address in East Sussex or West Sussex.
You should all be starting to look at what happens after you graduate - and internships are a really good way to get into the industry and find your feet - so start making contacts while you are still here and register with as many sites and agencies as you can.
As you might know, Wired Sussex has run the Sussex Internship Programme over the last 2 years, along with the University of Sussex. We have 6 remaining placements left to fill in the next few weeks - we really need to get these positions filled otherwise the funding due to go to these graduates will be wasted. I wonder if I could ask for some of your help in getting details out to some of your lists/networks as soon as possible?
In brief, the internships are 4 weeks long and successful applicants will receive invaluable experience, training and financial support (minimum wage for the duration of the placement. Currently the % of graduates offered full-time employment by the company they interned with since the scheme started stands at around 60%. The deadline to apply for these positions is next Friday 19 November.
To be eligible, applicants must have either graduated with a Bachelor's or Master's degree from a university or affiliated college in East Sussex or West Sussex in 2008, 2009 or 2010 or graduated with a Bachelor's or Master's degree from any other UK university in 2008, 2009 or 2010 AND have a permanent address in East Sussex or West Sussex.
Drawing and Making
Really good article here from Design Week about the lack of traditional skills in design - including drawing and making. I think it's very 'on message' for all of you.
Magazine Covers
Interesting article about Magazine Covers - FDA1 need to start thinking about this too - you have a brief right after the xmas break that directly relates to this. Click Here
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Timetable, week starting November 15th
Monday - FDA1
Last day with Terry Lewis working on the Water and Wine brief - he will review your work in the afternoon and give me written feedback.
Tuesday - FDA1
A studio day with David / Richard - I need to look at the Wine and Water submissions so you can spend the first half of the day putting Terry's comments into action - you also have a bit of time in the afternoon to look at the SCCH Xmas card brief / film club and anything else you need to show us
Wednesday FDA1
Day 3 of 4 with Karen Wilks on your layout brief ( Karen is really pleased with your progress )
Wednesday - FDA2
Last day with John Reynolds - you will be using the photographic studio today as instructed.
Thursday and Friday FDA2
Design for print module - I need to see more reference and inspiration at this stage - so on Friday at 1.30pm I would like you all to present your work so far to the group - and also bring in 4 book covers that you consider inspirational - they can be real books or things you have found online - but they should show you have researched and investigated the medium and are able to 'read' what a designer is trying to tell you. You will be marked at this stage too, and I will write mid module feedback. I'm really looking to see mood boards of ideas and lots of references - I'm worried that a few of you have stuck with one idea and working to a very narrow field, so bring lots of visual material to show you have investigated your ideas and concepts fully.
Last day with Terry Lewis working on the Water and Wine brief - he will review your work in the afternoon and give me written feedback.
Tuesday - FDA1
A studio day with David / Richard - I need to look at the Wine and Water submissions so you can spend the first half of the day putting Terry's comments into action - you also have a bit of time in the afternoon to look at the SCCH Xmas card brief / film club and anything else you need to show us
Wednesday FDA1
Day 3 of 4 with Karen Wilks on your layout brief ( Karen is really pleased with your progress )
Wednesday - FDA2
Last day with John Reynolds - you will be using the photographic studio today as instructed.
Thursday and Friday FDA2
Design for print module - I need to see more reference and inspiration at this stage - so on Friday at 1.30pm I would like you all to present your work so far to the group - and also bring in 4 book covers that you consider inspirational - they can be real books or things you have found online - but they should show you have researched and investigated the medium and are able to 'read' what a designer is trying to tell you. You will be marked at this stage too, and I will write mid module feedback. I'm really looking to see mood boards of ideas and lots of references - I'm worried that a few of you have stuck with one idea and working to a very narrow field, so bring lots of visual material to show you have investigated your ideas and concepts fully.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Friday, 12 November 2010
Room Study issue...
Ive been informed that next week there will be another 'room utilisation study' - someone will be coming in between 9am and 4pm through the week to see how many people are using the space. I know you are all really sick of me banging on about this - but we really need to be seen to use the space fully..... or we could lose it, and that might mean radical changes to the timetable and a lot of disruption for all of us. I hope they come in on Wednesday - but if you have the chance - please make the studio look as busy as possible - use all the desks, bring in work and try and be in all week - I've had to fight to get and keep that space and I don't want to lose it now.
cheers in advance!
cheers in advance!
Leaf Carving / FDA2 book brief
A couple of you are working on the John Christoper book - and we talked about using grass etc to create images - found this site of leaf carving, I thing I mentioned it to Ellen last week - you can download a lot more more.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
The Electric Blowhole

This is the brief that I have introduced to both years now - It woul be great if you wanted to get involved - Michelle Taylor is a very good localmcontact on the arts and design secene - talk to me if yu want more information.
The Blowhole is held in two rooms at the Pig in Paradise.
The larger room holds the bands (3) and the dj's (4)
We usually have a slideshow on one wall, made up of various images, including photos from previous Blowhole's. There is also usually a film behind the bands, an artist doing a live paint and the whole thing is topped off with a massive white parachute. This covers a lot of the disparate elements in the room, (fireplace, mirrors, horrible walls) and provides a backdrop for coloured spotlights.
The second room is smaller and is more of a sitting room. Sofas, tables and chairs etc. We have had performers in here before. There is a projecter and screen in-situ.
The two rooms are linked by an area for merch sales.
We have for use on this project, two more projecters, a laptop and countless dvd players.
We are not especially attached to any of the elements we regularly use - except maybe the parachute as it does hide a multitude of sins.
However, if an alternative was proposed, we would be keen to see it.
The feel we want is a dark, twisted Christmas.
Think the Judderman, The imaginarium of Dr Parnassis, Alice in wonderland and the Cabinet of Dr Calgari.
The budget is so small as to be virtually non existant so this project will call for ingenuity and resourcefullness!
The event in to be held on Dec 3rd which is a Friday and the room will have to be set up on that day. It will then need to be dismantled on sat 4th.
Students can come and have a look at the room and a chat. I will be happy to come in and talk to people or meet a group at the venue if you would like that.
Inspiration here!
Revision of all New York road signs
The road sign visual language of NY is to be changed from capital letters to upper and lower case, read why in this very interesting article. My tutor at Royal College was Margaret Calevet who designed ( with Jock Kinneir ) the road and street signs for the UK back in the 1960's - really fascinating work - the pictogram of the little girl and small boy crossing the road and holding hands is of her.
Sandra Douglas
Obituary of the celebrated and innovative designer, who's projects included The Hacienda nightclub in Manchester.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Rememberance day, November 11
Sussex Coast College Hastings will be observing a 2-minute silence to commemorate the wartime sacrifices of members of the armed forces and civilians since World War One to present day. During this time the Royal British Legion's Armistice Day film will be shown on the plasma screens around the main sites.
At Station Plaza - students and staff are invited to gather in and around the atrium at 11:00; it has been arranged for the fire alarm to be rung once at 10:55 to give notice. During this time the main entrance doors will be switched to exit only.
At Ore Valley, London Road, Pyke House and the Energy Centre - students and staff are invited to observe the 2-minute silences in their classrooms and at their workstations.
V-talent volunteers have worked with staff from The Arts department to produce giant poppies that will be located in the Atrium and OVGF walkway for people to write messages of remembrance on.
At Station Plaza - students and staff are invited to gather in and around the atrium at 11:00; it has been arranged for the fire alarm to be rung once at 10:55 to give notice. During this time the main entrance doors will be switched to exit only.
At Ore Valley, London Road, Pyke House and the Energy Centre - students and staff are invited to observe the 2-minute silences in their classrooms and at their workstations.
V-talent volunteers have worked with staff from The Arts department to produce giant poppies that will be located in the Atrium and OVGF walkway for people to write messages of remembrance on.
Security Issue
There has been a serious breach of the IT security system - an individual allowed their password and login to be known and an attempt was made to hijack the college servers which was damaging and potentially disaterous for us. It was nobody in this department - but I have been asked to emphasise how important it is to keep your details private.
This includes the log-in issue. I have repeatedly pointed out that if you leave your computer logged in, you are vulnerable - every day I find students have gone home leaving a logged in computer - often with their email open on the desktop, PLEASE take more care!!!
This includes the log-in issue. I have repeatedly pointed out that if you leave your computer logged in, you are vulnerable - every day I find students have gone home leaving a logged in computer - often with their email open on the desktop, PLEASE take more care!!!
F Scott Fitzgerald editions
I may already have posted these earlier in the year, but they are very appropriate for FDA2 at this time. Really excellent work showing that you do not have to be too literal with your approach to the book design brief.
Telegraph Website
The Telegraph have finaly updated their website layout - it's being called a refresh - essentially there is nothing radical here - but a much better use of space and graphics. The old site was notoriously crude and clunky - very 'old style' - which made it very difficult to sell advertising - it seldom supported the new technology needed. It was also very dated - but the cost and logistics of revising a major website are huge - which makes it a major investment for anyone.
Link to the new site rational here
Link to the new site rational here
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
The Circle Gallery
As explained today - we have been asked to come up with proposals for a new identity for The circle Gallery at SCCH. This is open top all FDA1 / 2 and top Up design Students. The timeline is very short - I need your first drafts by Friday early afternoon - but the brief is very specific. This is something really important that we can all have a go at - it's great portfolio work - good for the department and achievable.
The logo will be used within the gallery, on signage, marketing and advertising.
The important thing to remember is that the gallery supports the content - it is the work that is important, so it must not 'compete' - but should be typographic only, controlled and have authority and 'dignity' - it should stand alone but not clash with the existing branding.
Please submit to me by email, in single colour - on an A3 sheet - landscape, with your name in small, discrete text at the bottom left hand corner by 1.30pm on Friday - contact me if you need more details.
This should not be laboured, spend a couple of hours at most - it should be elegant, but controlled. Research art galleries and arts magazines ( there are many in the Library ) and consider how other institutes brand their visual spaces.
The logo will be used within the gallery, on signage, marketing and advertising.
The important thing to remember is that the gallery supports the content - it is the work that is important, so it must not 'compete' - but should be typographic only, controlled and have authority and 'dignity' - it should stand alone but not clash with the existing branding.
Please submit to me by email, in single colour - on an A3 sheet - landscape, with your name in small, discrete text at the bottom left hand corner by 1.30pm on Friday - contact me if you need more details.
This should not be laboured, spend a couple of hours at most - it should be elegant, but controlled. Research art galleries and arts magazines ( there are many in the Library ) and consider how other institutes brand their visual spaces.
Rookie Designer Podcast
Rookie Designer is the podcast for the not-so-accomplished designer. See the world of graphic and multimedia design through the eyes of a beginner, and acquire the skills necessary to become a veteran designer. Discussion will include design techniques, workflow solutions, business practices, application specific tips and tutorials, and general graphic and multimedia topics.
Download the whole 20 episodes free from itunes - link here.
Download the whole 20 episodes free from itunes - link here.
FDA2 book design inspiration
Interesting photo gallery in today's Telegraph newspaper - photographs from within the exclusion zone around Chernobyl.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Awards 2011
The YCN and D&Ad awards briefs are now live and available on the resources blog. All FDA2 students must enter at least one of each to compete your 2/3D module.
Xmas Card Competition
We have been asked by marketing to design the SCCH 2010 xmas card. This is a great chance - you get to be the first bit of real promotional pirnt at Station Plaza and see your work printed.
I need this done fairly quickly - I'll give you the deadline of 1 week from today ( so that's Monday Nevember15th ) - and I'll present to Justin in marketing, or - if they are good enough - I'll invite him upstairs to see you and give feedback.
Look at Station Plaza - we already have a very clear visual language - but plenty in there that you can work with, remember - it has to represent the college as a whole, but should be clever, fresh and inventive... so no elves, Santas, snowscenes or puddings please!!!!
I need this done fairly quickly - I'll give you the deadline of 1 week from today ( so that's Monday Nevember15th ) - and I'll present to Justin in marketing, or - if they are good enough - I'll invite him upstairs to see you and give feedback.
Look at Station Plaza - we already have a very clear visual language - but plenty in there that you can work with, remember - it has to represent the college as a whole, but should be clever, fresh and inventive... so no elves, Santas, snowscenes or puddings please!!!!
FDA2 Book Design References
Some really useful references here from book design blogs and reference sites.
here for book covers
here here for posters
here here for websites
here here for for Saul Bass
here for book covers
here here for posters
here here for websites
here here for for Saul Bass
Design Competition
Prize includes a month's paid employment with leading consultancies - you have about 4 weeks left to create a poster - details here - VERY GOOD OPPORTUNITY for FDA2.
I Love Dust
Nice piece of work here that reminds me of some of the map briefs from FDA1 - Joe's in particular
Important notice
From Learner Services, SCCH
Card only - £3:00
Lanyard only - £1.00
Card and lanyard £3.50
It is College Policy for all staff and students to wear their ID cards at all times whilst on campus. This is to protect everyone who works and studies at Sussex Coast College Hastings. Unfortunately over the past six weeks, we have seen an increase in the number of students without IDs. As mentioned at CLG/CSG it has been decided, from Monday 15 November, to introduce a fine of £1.00 for when a student forgets their badge. Alternatively students will be given the option, where feasible, to return home to collect their badge.
All monies collected will be donated to St Michaels Hospice, our chosen charity for this academic year.
Students without IDs will be directed to a Client Services Adviser to be issued with a temporary ID. The adviser will confirm that they are a current student, via Prosolution, and mark their student record to show that they have failed to produce their ID. Prior to being issued with a temporary badge the student will need to sign the log sheet and pay the £1.00 fine. The Client Services team will also send an email notification to the student's Personal Tutor. Failure to produce their ID on 3 separate occasions will mean that a student will need to buy a replacement and if necessary a new lanyard.
Charges to be levied for replacements are
Students without IDs will be directed to a Client Services Adviser to be issued with a temporary ID. The adviser will confirm that they are a current student, via Prosolution, and mark their student record to show that they have failed to produce their ID. Prior to being issued with a temporary badge the student will need to sign the log sheet and pay the £1.00 fine. The Client Services team will also send an email notification to the student's Personal Tutor. Failure to produce their ID on 3 separate occasions will mean that a student will need to buy a replacement and if necessary a new lanyard.
Charges to be levied for replacements are
Card only - £3:00
Lanyard only - £1.00
Card and lanyard £3.50
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Timetable, week starting November 8th
FDA1 Monday November 8st
New Brief with Terry Lewis - Water & Wine ( week 2 of 3 )
FDA1 Tuesday November 9nd
David Fowler continues new brief - Water & Wine ( week 2 of 3 )
Richard will also be starting tutorials.
FDA1 Wednesday November 10rd
2D design with Karen Wilks - week 2 of 4
FDA2 Wednesday November 11rd
Photography with John Reynolds - week 2 of 3 - you are using the shooting studio today.
FDA2 Thursday 4th / Friday 12th
Design for Print - week 2 of 6
New Brief with Terry Lewis - Water & Wine ( week 2 of 3 )
FDA1 Tuesday November 9nd
David Fowler continues new brief - Water & Wine ( week 2 of 3 )
Richard will also be starting tutorials.
FDA1 Wednesday November 10rd
2D design with Karen Wilks - week 2 of 4
FDA2 Wednesday November 11rd
Photography with John Reynolds - week 2 of 3 - you are using the shooting studio today.
FDA2 Thursday 4th / Friday 12th
Design for Print - week 2 of 6
Saturday, 6 November 2010
A poster every day
Designer Johnny Selman is creating a poster every day for the next year based on a BBC news story - some excellent work here already - and a very good academic and creative exercise.
Creative Review Blog: Book Covers and their stories
Very good article from Creative Review - available to read here on the blog. Paul Buckley - the US art director for Penguin has chosen 75 classic covers and details how they were creative and the stories behind them - I would have thought this is required reading for FDA2 this term.
Includes the story behind this cover ( above ) - really clever, economic and evocative - which shows that a simple idea well presented works really well and does not need great technical skill to realise, but also that you need to really understand the book before you start to work.
Another Image for FDA2
This is a lovely image that would work really well for 'The Drowned World' - it's only a simple photograph of people standing on a wet road - but by cropping to just the reflection and flipping it upside down - it's much more mysterious and suggestive.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Image for FDA2
Another great image for the FDA 2 book brief, similar to some of the ones we saw today - easy to adapt or use as inspiration.
Lost Charger
I found what looks like a phone charger left in the computer room - black with a flat connection - a bit like an LG one. It's in the office if anyone needs it back.
Attendence / Marking.
Just to reiterate today's comments.
Non attendance after 10.15am means you will be marked as absent for the whole day. 3 weeks of total absence and UoB can remove you from the course without appeal.
Failure to present parts of the module as directed and timetables in FDA 2 will mean you loose marks, this has been explained to you in detail already. Non attendence without a mitigating circumstance ( agreed by a tutor ) means that you will have a penalty.
Non attendance at the presentation of the research today means a 10% deduction in the overall mark for this module.
Non attendance after 10.15am means you will be marked as absent for the whole day. 3 weeks of total absence and UoB can remove you from the course without appeal.
Failure to present parts of the module as directed and timetables in FDA 2 will mean you loose marks, this has been explained to you in detail already. Non attendence without a mitigating circumstance ( agreed by a tutor ) means that you will have a penalty.
Non attendance at the presentation of the research today means a 10% deduction in the overall mark for this module.
Moving Men
Well done to FDA1 Stephen for winning the Moving Men prize. James and David were very impressed by the quality and range of the work. There was no really heirarchy - but the Loved what James did, with Olga and Lucy in joint second and everyone else we saw last night in joint third.
It's interesting that the client's needs were very specific and unexpected, this demonstrates how important it is to be able to understand a client, accept a proper brief and ask questions before you start - a really good learning experience! What swung it for Stephen was that the solution told a story - and they saw how they could use it as part of their work - it was a very clear metaphor for what they do. This came from understanding the brief fully and investigating every possibility.
I was really pleased too, very good work, great attitude from all of you and some very clever results.
It's interesting that the client's needs were very specific and unexpected, this demonstrates how important it is to be able to understand a client, accept a proper brief and ask questions before you start - a really good learning experience! What swung it for Stephen was that the solution told a story - and they saw how they could use it as part of their work - it was a very clear metaphor for what they do. This came from understanding the brief fully and investigating every possibility.
I was really pleased too, very good work, great attitude from all of you and some very clever results.
Film Club
Thanks to everyone who presented work to Andy last night - some really nice ideas in there.
I need you to take the comments that we gave you and work everything up as directed as quickly as possible - it's a really key project for us and really raised the profile of the department - I think you did really well, there were some very clever and mature concepts there.
I thought that Lucy's popcorn idea was fantastic, and that Olga and Vince devised some really clear - fast and economic ideas for communicating quickly with students. A couple of you came up with the idea of a bookmark - both in very different ways, which we also liked - and the more ambitious students who wanted to do things with the environment and the Atrium were also well received.
Tonight's film
Let The Right One In. It's fantastic - a really clever, imaginative, influential and original film that got amazing reviews. I keep banging on about how important film and popular culture are to creative industries, if you go into a studio tomorrow and they find out you have not seen this film - they will assume you are an idiot ( as will I ). It's also very beautifully shot and visualised and relates to the work FDA2 are doing with John.
I need you to take the comments that we gave you and work everything up as directed as quickly as possible - it's a really key project for us and really raised the profile of the department - I think you did really well, there were some very clever and mature concepts there.
I thought that Lucy's popcorn idea was fantastic, and that Olga and Vince devised some really clear - fast and economic ideas for communicating quickly with students. A couple of you came up with the idea of a bookmark - both in very different ways, which we also liked - and the more ambitious students who wanted to do things with the environment and the Atrium were also well received.
Tonight's film
Let The Right One In. It's fantastic - a really clever, imaginative, influential and original film that got amazing reviews. I keep banging on about how important film and popular culture are to creative industries, if you go into a studio tomorrow and they find out you have not seen this film - they will assume you are an idiot ( as will I ). It's also very beautifully shot and visualised and relates to the work FDA2 are doing with John.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Book of Codes by Jonathon Safran Foer

“Jonathan Safran Foer, deftly deploys sculptural means to craft a truly compelling story. In our world of screens, he welds narrative, materiality, and our reading experience into a book that remembers that it actually has a body.”
From Gary Neill - really nice book design from Visual Editions - who also produce this lovely version of Tristram Shandy.
Retail Boom
I was talking to FDA1 about the different things that affect retail sales regarding wine for their labeling brief - here is an interesting story from the BBC that explains how improving the crossing system at the Oxford Circus in London has improved retail sales by %7 - which is a massive amount.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Council Tax Exemption
This year registry will not be printing council tax exemption certificate for students who live in Brighton and Hove. These student should apply for your council tax exemption online through an e-form, here: http://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/index.cfm?request=c1172614
Registry will be printing council tax exemption certificates for students who live outside of Brighton and Hove and these are expected to be ready by the end of November. If students have already been billed for their council tax and need their certificate sooner, they can request for it to be posted to them by emailing Cheryl Auburn on C.K.Auburn@brighton.ac.uk or Gina Campbell on gc147@brighton.ac.uk
Liz Adams Academic Programme Administrator Partnership Courses, MA Inclusive Arts Practice & MA Digital Media Arts Tel: 01273 643097
Registry will be printing council tax exemption certificates for students who live outside of Brighton and Hove and these are expected to be ready by the end of November. If students have already been billed for their council tax and need their certificate sooner, they can request for it to be posted to them by emailing Cheryl Auburn on C.K.Auburn@brighton.ac.uk or Gina Campbell on gc147@brighton.ac.uk
Liz Adams Academic Programme Administrator Partnership Courses, MA Inclusive Arts Practice & MA Digital Media Arts Tel: 01273 643097
Studio Changes
You will notice that we now have blinds in the studio - thanks to FDA1 for not being too put out by the inconvenience of the workmen yesterday. They are also doing the remedial work to the guttering above the studio - this should be finished soon.
On Wednesday, when FDA1 are in the computer area with Karen and FDA2 are in the photography studio with John - 7 illustration students will be based in the front studio for 3 weeks because of space issues. You will also notice that the room is being monitored through this week on the hour to see how many students are using the studio - I've talked about this until I am blue in the face. If you don't use the studio - we will lose it and it will be your own fault.
In other news - congratulations to FDA2 - I asked you all to supply me with the finished stamp artwork on presentation boards for Monday Morning so that I could have them professionally printed to display at the Principle's request - this would have really helped us ( and you ).
I received exactly 3 pieces of work. I'm now not going to bother - I'm too embarrassed and disappointed.
On Wednesday, when FDA1 are in the computer area with Karen and FDA2 are in the photography studio with John - 7 illustration students will be based in the front studio for 3 weeks because of space issues. You will also notice that the room is being monitored through this week on the hour to see how many students are using the studio - I've talked about this until I am blue in the face. If you don't use the studio - we will lose it and it will be your own fault.
In other news - congratulations to FDA2 - I asked you all to supply me with the finished stamp artwork on presentation boards for Monday Morning so that I could have them professionally printed to display at the Principle's request - this would have really helped us ( and you ).
I received exactly 3 pieces of work. I'm now not going to bother - I'm too embarrassed and disappointed.
Monday, 1 November 2010
Gazetta mens magazine UK Launch
Usefull article on new publishing for both years - but really useful for FDA1 in anticipation of the brief from Karen Wilks this week
Pop in the atomic age
Interesting article in the Guardian about the pop music scene during an age where the Atom Bom seemed to foretell destruction - ideal research for FDA2 and their publishing brief.
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