'Whale' Tissue holder by GnomeSweetGnome - from the imaginatively tiled design blog "FuckYeah! Packaging".
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Frankenstein / FDA1
You can download an audio book of the full text from LibiVox here - and just to reiterate what I said yesterday - The 'creation' in the original Frankenstein was not a monster - the subtitle is 'The Modern Prometheus' -
In Greek mythology, Prometheus (Ancient Greek: Προμηθεύς, "forethought")[1] is a Titan, the son of Iapetus and Themis, and brother to Atlas, Epimetheus and Menoetius. He was a champion of mankind, known for his wily intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals.[2] Zeus then punished him for his crime by having him bound to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day. His myth has been treated by a number of ancient sources, in which Prometheus is credited with – or blamed for – playing a pivotal role in the early history of mankind.
Doesn't look much like Boris Karloff... does he.
In Greek mythology, Prometheus (Ancient Greek: Προμηθεύς, "forethought")[1] is a Titan, the son of Iapetus and Themis, and brother to Atlas, Epimetheus and Menoetius. He was a champion of mankind, known for his wily intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals.[2] Zeus then punished him for his crime by having him bound to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day. His myth has been treated by a number of ancient sources, in which Prometheus is credited with – or blamed for – playing a pivotal role in the early history of mankind.
Doesn't look much like Boris Karloff... does he.
I'll mark the 'I AM A BRAND' and creative aspect of the Website Design module this week, I'm happy to email all the marks out if you want, next week. I'd also just like to confirm that everyone understands what they have to do for next term - any questions - drop me a line. I need to consult with Gary about his grades too. You will get a plan of action for the Website design module and I'll return to this after next half term.
I'll be marking the YCN/D&AD work this week too. These are project briefs and not modules, they will be added to the marks for all the other 2/3D projects and an average grade will be calculated - I'll also let you have this.
- just as an aside, it takes quite a long time to mark everything correctly and administer the paperwork, much as I'd like to - we can't turn this around in 15 mins as some of you would like. The rules are that , but and we mark everything and return as soon as possible. Gary has nearly finished marking all the FDA2 essays - I'll let you know when his marks are ready too.
Students who have worked on the internal W.E. projects will be given written feedback on completion - PP will be marked on your profession practice portfolio.
I'll mark the 'I AM A BRAND' and creative aspect of the Website Design module this week, I'm happy to email all the marks out if you want, next week. I'd also just like to confirm that everyone understands what they have to do for next term - any questions - drop me a line. I need to consult with Gary about his grades too. You will get a plan of action for the Website design module and I'll return to this after next half term.
I'll be marking the YCN/D&AD work this week too. These are project briefs and not modules, they will be added to the marks for all the other 2/3D projects and an average grade will be calculated - I'll also let you have this.
- just as an aside, it takes quite a long time to mark everything correctly and administer the paperwork, much as I'd like to - we can't turn this around in 15 mins as some of you would like. The rules are that , but and we mark everything and return as soon as possible. Gary has nearly finished marking all the FDA2 essays - I'll let you know when his marks are ready too.
Students who have worked on the internal W.E. projects will be given written feedback on completion - PP will be marked on your profession practice portfolio.
Easter Opening Hours
I will be in for the rest of this week - I've had the Easter Opening hours through, I'm going to just double check them - but if anyone needs access - you should be able to use the college most days.
New Wordpress Theme
Basic Maths is a new, Grid Based theme that might appeal to the more graphically minded - I had a quick look and I really liked it - worth thinking about.
Lido / St Leonards
The latest exhibition at Electric Studio's with include some type and graphics related work. Details here
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Design a pattern competition
Found by FDA1 Will. Really good little competition here to design a fabric pattern. Only 12 days left - but really worth trying.
I've worked mostly in the fashion/textiles business for years and done hundreds of these - I love this kind of thing - remind me later to tell you my Liam Gallagher shirt anecdote.
About the Challenge
Your favorite shirt. What would it look like? What colors, what pattern? This challenge is centered around creating a pattern to be designed for a Steven Alan product in time for 2011 NYC Fashion Week's "Fashion's Night Out" on September 8th. This is a huge opportunity for any designer. The winning design will be made into Men and Women Steven Alan products. It's up to you to design one of the next hot patterns to be used in the Fall 2011 collection.
I've worked mostly in the fashion/textiles business for years and done hundreds of these - I love this kind of thing - remind me later to tell you my Liam Gallagher shirt anecdote.
About the Challenge
Your favorite shirt. What would it look like? What colors, what pattern? This challenge is centered around creating a pattern to be designed for a Steven Alan product in time for 2011 NYC Fashion Week's "Fashion's Night Out" on September 8th. This is a huge opportunity for any designer. The winning design will be made into Men and Women Steven Alan products. It's up to you to design one of the next hot patterns to be used in the Fall 2011 collection.
Interesting article here.
Interesting article here from Creative Review about the new Eurostar logo that also examines it's numerous applications.
Article here about some of the more creative aspects of Saturday's March - I had a talk yesterday with Gary Neill about copywriting exercises for FDA2 - this reinforces the point.
New From Ben Eine
...from Design Week.
Street artist Ben Eine is to reveal a largescale mural in London this afternoon, inspired by the children’s nursery rhyme Oranges and Lemons.
Eine has worked with urban art gallery Art Republic to create the work, which can be found on the side of London Graphic Centre in Covent Garden. Art Republic has worked with Eine for some years now. It was one of the first galleries to exhibit the art of Banksy, who Eine worked with a lot in the early days, producing some of Banksy’s prints, says Art Republic marketing director Andrew Milledge.
Street artist Ben Eine is to reveal a largescale mural in London this afternoon, inspired by the children’s nursery rhyme Oranges and Lemons.
Eine has worked with urban art gallery Art Republic to create the work, which can be found on the side of London Graphic Centre in Covent Garden. Art Republic has worked with Eine for some years now. It was one of the first galleries to exhibit the art of Banksy, who Eine worked with a lot in the early days, producing some of Banksy’s prints, says Art Republic marketing director Andrew Milledge.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Wednesday March 30th.
FDA2 - Gary Neil is here to collect and begin marking essays.
I need all the YCN / D&AD work handed in - I'd like it all by noon please - mounted and with your name on every board - and obviously - a brief description of which brief you have answered etc.
If you have not collected your FMP module yet - you must do so by lunch time. You need to work on this over Easter.
FDA1 - complete Website module as best you can.
FDA1 - talk through your website design brief and then I will give you the work for the Easter break.
FDA2 - Gary Neil is here to collect and begin marking essays.
I need all the YCN / D&AD work handed in - I'd like it all by noon please - mounted and with your name on every board - and obviously - a brief description of which brief you have answered etc.
If you have not collected your FMP module yet - you must do so by lunch time. You need to work on this over Easter.
FDA1 - complete Website module as best you can.
FDA1 - talk through your website design brief and then I will give you the work for the Easter break.
"The Dark Side Of Typography"
Really good Tumblr site here and portfolio from a designer who obviously loves experimental typography and lets it inform his work, it's a good example of how your website and how you use it can reinforce your work and communicate who you are to potential customers.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Tomorrow -
Gary will be in for a couple of hours to finish reviewing the brand work - and answer any essay questions for FDA1 - and also in Wednesday for FDA2 Essays as arranged.
Nice article here about banned books - in the gallery, most are from a recent edition by The Independent. The 'strip' motif indicates that the books have been shredded by the censor.
Think Quarterly
Well work looking into - you can also download a free copy.
"Like most companies, Google regularly communicates with our business customers via email newsletters, updates on our official blogs, and printed materials.
On this occasion, we've sent a short book about data, called Think Quarterly, to a small number of our UK partners and advertisers. You're now on the companion website, thinkquarterly.co.uk (also available at m.thinkquarterly.co.uk, if you're on the move).
We're flattered by the positive reaction but have no plans to start selling copies! Although Think Quarterly remains firmly aimed at Google's partners and advertisers, if you're interested in the subject of data then please feel free to read on... "
edit: having had the chance to look through it in detail - it's actually really interesting, well presented and designed and has a useful 'history' of data capture that you all need top read.
"Like most companies, Google regularly communicates with our business customers via email newsletters, updates on our official blogs, and printed materials.
On this occasion, we've sent a short book about data, called Think Quarterly, to a small number of our UK partners and advertisers. You're now on the companion website, thinkquarterly.co.uk (also available at m.thinkquarterly.co.uk, if you're on the move).
We're flattered by the positive reaction but have no plans to start selling copies! Although Think Quarterly remains firmly aimed at Google's partners and advertisers, if you're interested in the subject of data then please feel free to read on... "
edit: having had the chance to look through it in detail - it's actually really interesting, well presented and designed and has a useful 'history' of data capture that you all need top read.
Adding '3D' sound to Virtual Books
Interesting article here about advances in virtual publishing technology.
Sunday, 27 March 2011
FDA2 / Final Major Project
I have prepared the module description, guide to writing a proposal and rational, and will hand them out to you tomorrow - you need to spend Easter planning your work - on the first day back you will be with Andrew Robey - and will need to be very well prepared - not just the students who are applying to Top-Up, but everyone who intends to put up an FMP.
Fact: Magazine
I've been looking at putting together some type projects for next year and have been researching Fact: magazine - which is actually quite difficult. One of the most important counter culture and political comment magazines in American publishing histiry - it was also a typographic masterpiece.
Some useful references here from Codex99, from Ramsey Dau's defunct blog here - but most informatively here from Brainpickings.
Some useful references here from Codex99, from Ramsey Dau's defunct blog here - but most informatively here from Brainpickings.
Design In Germany
This is a great sight that is probably the German version of FFFFound - it is also based on an incredibly simple grid system - but looks modern and sophisticated. Well worth bookmarking.
Saturday, 26 March 2011
I've bee looking at D&AD award winning work to find new ideas for briefs and I found this - it's excellent work, and very achievable for your stage.
Timetable starting Monday March 28th
( don't forget - the clocks go forward on Sunday - you lose an hours sleep )
This is an important week for both years. You need to clean up all the loose ends and finish everything before the break. FDA1 have work to do over Easter and a different kind of studio and work environment straight after - and FDA2 are about to start their FMP. They must also spend time preparing the proposal for their FMP, the first day back after the break, you will be with Andrey Robey all day to talk through your ideas - so be fully prepared.
Monday 28th
FDA1 - Final day this term with Gary Neill.
C&C in the morning and I AM A BRAND presentation in the afternoon.
FDA2 - C&C / PP / YCN / D&AD
Tuesday 29th
FDA1 - Final studio day on the Website Design Module
FDA2 - C&C / PP / YCN / D&AD
Wednesday 30th
FDA1 - Presentation of Website Design work at 2pm in the studio
After your presentation you will be given a self appraisal form, and be briefed on your Easter break projects - and the work you will be given next term, you must be here for this session, no excuses.
FDA2 - hand in the completed YCN / D&AD to me at any time during today.
If you do not hand in your work today, it will be marked as a fail, no extensions, no excuses, no exceptions - you have had 3 months on this. It must be mounted and presented professionally. Once I have received the work it will be assessed on Thursday and Friday and you will be given a mark for the whole module.
PP - both years.
I will talk very briefly to both years about Professional Practice. I was very angry at the poor performance of the CV's - and as I was very explicit that they needed to be handed in as a hard copy to me by last Wednesday, I have deleted any emailed CV's without looking at them.
I'm getting a bit sick of students who can't be bothered to do what I ask and just think they can get away with emailing stuff to me when it suits them - I give you plenty of time, and clear instructions - I am only a fractional employee - and have to run a business outside my college teaching hours - I already do far too much extra time ( like now - Saturday night ) and some of you seem to think I am working at your convenience. It's worth pointing out that if there is a 'work to rule' as has been suggested over the proposed pay and hours cuts, then all outside of hours work will be suspended - and that includes this blog.
If I say hard copy - I mean hard copy. I will no longer accept anything else.
Both years have been given very clear, paginated instructions of what to deliver for PP - FDA1 MUST hand in the work on the morning of April 26th, FDA2 on the Morning of April 27th - I have a couple of portfolio's from previous years to show you that set the standard. If you cannot follow these instructions to the letter you will be failed. As this is a module - a fail means that you cannot pass through to top-up, year 2, of pass your FDA.
I will be around all week if anyone wants to talk to me about outstanding work or PP / Next term - but not over the holiday, and I am already booked to be working on something else - so although the blog will continue ( If I have the time ) - I will not be available to hold anyone's hand over Easter.
If it helps, imagine that I wrote this timetable wearing my red jumper.
This is an important week for both years. You need to clean up all the loose ends and finish everything before the break. FDA1 have work to do over Easter and a different kind of studio and work environment straight after - and FDA2 are about to start their FMP. They must also spend time preparing the proposal for their FMP, the first day back after the break, you will be with Andrey Robey all day to talk through your ideas - so be fully prepared.
Monday 28th
FDA1 - Final day this term with Gary Neill.
C&C in the morning and I AM A BRAND presentation in the afternoon.
FDA2 - C&C / PP / YCN / D&AD
Tuesday 29th
FDA1 - Final studio day on the Website Design Module
FDA2 - C&C / PP / YCN / D&AD
Wednesday 30th
FDA1 - Presentation of Website Design work at 2pm in the studio
After your presentation you will be given a self appraisal form, and be briefed on your Easter break projects - and the work you will be given next term, you must be here for this session, no excuses.
FDA2 - hand in the completed YCN / D&AD to me at any time during today.
If you do not hand in your work today, it will be marked as a fail, no extensions, no excuses, no exceptions - you have had 3 months on this. It must be mounted and presented professionally. Once I have received the work it will be assessed on Thursday and Friday and you will be given a mark for the whole module.
PP - both years.
I will talk very briefly to both years about Professional Practice. I was very angry at the poor performance of the CV's - and as I was very explicit that they needed to be handed in as a hard copy to me by last Wednesday, I have deleted any emailed CV's without looking at them.
I'm getting a bit sick of students who can't be bothered to do what I ask and just think they can get away with emailing stuff to me when it suits them - I give you plenty of time, and clear instructions - I am only a fractional employee - and have to run a business outside my college teaching hours - I already do far too much extra time ( like now - Saturday night ) and some of you seem to think I am working at your convenience. It's worth pointing out that if there is a 'work to rule' as has been suggested over the proposed pay and hours cuts, then all outside of hours work will be suspended - and that includes this blog.
If I say hard copy - I mean hard copy. I will no longer accept anything else.
Both years have been given very clear, paginated instructions of what to deliver for PP - FDA1 MUST hand in the work on the morning of April 26th, FDA2 on the Morning of April 27th - I have a couple of portfolio's from previous years to show you that set the standard. If you cannot follow these instructions to the letter you will be failed. As this is a module - a fail means that you cannot pass through to top-up, year 2, of pass your FDA.
I will be around all week if anyone wants to talk to me about outstanding work or PP / Next term - but not over the holiday, and I am already booked to be working on something else - so although the blog will continue ( If I have the time ) - I will not be available to hold anyone's hand over Easter.
If it helps, imagine that I wrote this timetable wearing my red jumper.
"The Botton Line" Radio 4
Really interesting program on Radio 4 about the value of a brand ( generally in fashion ) and how a brand is created and designed to work in the industry and in the retail sector, the kind of background information you NEED to understand to go into the design industry.
Listen again for 7 days here
Listen again for 7 days here
Live report from 'Pick Me Up'
Film report from 'Pick Me Up' - which finishes on Sunday. ( click here )
The comments that follow are really interesting - I have toyed with the idea of putting together department shows in the past and although I agree with many comments - I think it's something we should think about.
I don't believe that any of you made the effort to go - I did flag it up several times, and Andy Smith was there working live ( he did tell you on Wednesday ). I actually don't expect you to go to everything I p0st here, the internet makes it very easy for you to find out what's happening and to be a part of your industry - but there are some key things that you must participate in if you want to be part of your industry, anything else is just lazy. Forward planning and making the best use of your student discounts means that all of you can start taking part in the industry now - leaving it until you leave college is too late, you are already out in the cold, and it's pretty arrogant to think that because you have the internet - it all comes to you.
The students who succeed are better informed, because they get off their backsides and get stuck in.
The comments that follow are really interesting - I have toyed with the idea of putting together department shows in the past and although I agree with many comments - I think it's something we should think about.
I don't believe that any of you made the effort to go - I did flag it up several times, and Andy Smith was there working live ( he did tell you on Wednesday ). I actually don't expect you to go to everything I p0st here, the internet makes it very easy for you to find out what's happening and to be a part of your industry - but there are some key things that you must participate in if you want to be part of your industry, anything else is just lazy. Forward planning and making the best use of your student discounts means that all of you can start taking part in the industry now - leaving it until you leave college is too late, you are already out in the cold, and it's pretty arrogant to think that because you have the internet - it all comes to you.
The students who succeed are better informed, because they get off their backsides and get stuck in.
Great Exhibition
I'm a really big Brothers Quay ( I'm sure you already knew that ) and at least 1 FDA2 student is referencing them in their Essay, they have an exhibition at Liverpool University of some of their models from the last 30 years - really worth seeing if you get the chance.
Friday, 25 March 2011
From Erica
Erica Smith sent the following information through - she sent me a lot of stuff for individual students - but couldn't remember who asked her this - so I'm posting here.
I told one of your students the keyboard commands to get proper 'smart'
quotes and em and en dashes. It's probably worth you putting the
key strokes on a blog entry so they all know them!
Using hyphens instead of space/en-dash/space for punctuation, and using
'non-smart' quote marks is an immediate way to indicate poor design because
it is thoughtless type-setting. It's a nitty-gritty detail, but it will jar on anyone
who knows what you SHOULD be using!
en-dash: "ALT" and the "hyphen" key – use space/en-dash/space for punctuation
Use a proper hyphen to hyphenate words only: half-time etc.
em-dash: "ALT", "SHIFT" and the hyphen key—this is very old-fashioned and/or
american style and is used without extra space, but I don't recommend using it.
Space/en-dash/space is preferable.
Smart quotes...
Open Double Quotes: "ALT" and "Open Square/Squiggly bracket"
Close Double Quotes: "ALT" and "SHIFT" and "Open Square/Squiggly bracket"
Open Single Quotes: "ALT" and "Close Square/Squiggly bracket"
Close Single Quotes/Apostrophe: "ALT" and "SHIFT" and "Close Square/Squiggly bracket"
Not all fonts have proper quote/apostrophe marks on the key to the left of the colon/semi-colon
-- sometimes using this key just gives a clumsy, ugly, vertical line type of quote rather than a
more sculpted looking one.
I told one of your students the keyboard commands to get proper 'smart'
quotes and em and en dashes. It's probably worth you putting the
key strokes on a blog entry so they all know them!
Using hyphens instead of space/en-dash/space for punctuation, and using
'non-smart' quote marks is an immediate way to indicate poor design because
it is thoughtless type-setting. It's a nitty-gritty detail, but it will jar on anyone
who knows what you SHOULD be using!
en-dash: "ALT" and the "hyphen" key – use space/en-dash/space for punctuation
Use a proper hyphen to hyphenate words only: half-time etc.
em-dash: "ALT", "SHIFT" and the hyphen key—this is very old-fashioned and/or
american style and is used without extra space, but I don't recommend using it.
Space/en-dash/space is preferable.
Smart quotes...
Open Double Quotes: "ALT" and "Open Square/Squiggly bracket"
Close Double Quotes: "ALT" and "SHIFT" and "Open Square/Squiggly bracket"
Open Single Quotes: "ALT" and "Close Square/Squiggly bracket"
Close Single Quotes/Apostrophe: "ALT" and "SHIFT" and "Close Square/Squiggly bracket"
Not all fonts have proper quote/apostrophe marks on the key to the left of the colon/semi-colon
-- sometimes using this key just gives a clumsy, ugly, vertical line type of quote rather than a
more sculpted looking one.
The Poster Workshop History
( FDA1 - you have silkscreen next term - so read this ) From today's Guardian
From the current popular uprisings in North Africa to the recent student marches against tuition fees to this weekend's national day of action, we seem to be in the throes of a new age of protest – one fuelled by the irrepressible power of social networking. But before the era of Twitter, Facebook, blogging and even photocopying, getting your message out was not such a straightforward business. In the golden but low-tech age of 1960s protest, with options for independent broadcasting or publishing limited, silkscreen printing was the street campaigner's weapon of choice. It was cheap, easy, fast and capable of delivering a powerful, graphic message – albeit one that came with associated risks of arrest or injury in its distribution.
Gallery Here
From the current popular uprisings in North Africa to the recent student marches against tuition fees to this weekend's national day of action, we seem to be in the throes of a new age of protest – one fuelled by the irrepressible power of social networking. But before the era of Twitter, Facebook, blogging and even photocopying, getting your message out was not such a straightforward business. In the golden but low-tech age of 1960s protest, with options for independent broadcasting or publishing limited, silkscreen printing was the street campaigner's weapon of choice. It was cheap, easy, fast and capable of delivering a powerful, graphic message – albeit one that came with associated risks of arrest or injury in its distribution.
Gallery Here
something for FDA1
Quite a few of you struggled with the concept of a 'collection' for the website design brief - and how to put things together. Sometimes you really need to step back and look at things - and ask yourself "what are they - what are they offering me, what opportunities are here"?? I've had almost the same conversation with most of you - and sometimes it's the simplest answers that satisfy the most complex tasks - I found this online - part of a set of collections that are simple grouped by colour - what could be more obvious that that? Bringing things together creates new opportunities. If you follow the link through to his Flikr page - you get a link to the collage group - you really need to look at what's go9ng on here, you need it for after half term
image by Anthony Zinonos
image by Anthony Zinonos
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Nokia Pure Type
In what seems like a rather unlikely collaboration, D&AD, Nokia and Finlandia vodka are coming together tonight to present the Nokia Pure Exhibition, celebrating the launch of the new Nokia Pure typeface created by typographers Dalton Maag.
Refreshingly, perhaps, for a mobile phone company, the new typeface is really rather beautiful. Nokia Pure will become the company’s primary font used across 200 million phones worldwide.
Aapo Bovellan, Studio Nokia’s director of brand and marketing, says, ‘Nokia Pure is a celebration of our Finnish design heritage. We wanted to give it a natural, flowing form, while creating something that is highly functional and neutral. Nokia Pure has a clarity of purpose and as little design as possible. It’s made to celebrate human creativity.’
Marylin Monroe by Bond
Refreshingly, perhaps, for a mobile phone company, the new typeface is really rather beautiful. Nokia Pure will become the company’s primary font used across 200 million phones worldwide.
Aapo Bovellan, Studio Nokia’s director of brand and marketing, says, ‘Nokia Pure is a celebration of our Finnish design heritage. We wanted to give it a natural, flowing form, while creating something that is highly functional and neutral. Nokia Pure has a clarity of purpose and as little design as possible. It’s made to celebrate human creativity.’
Marylin Monroe by Bond
CV's handed in.
Total number of students - 29
Total number of CV's delivered - 11
Result. Very pissed off subject leader.
Total number of CV's delivered - 11
Result. Very pissed off subject leader.
Two interactive campaigns
The first is a Koean interactive add or the campaign to stop bear farming, it uses very low and very high teck suggestion and is effective and thought provoking.
The second is something more impact based, a campaign to urge more recycling - and is worth watching all the way to the end - the sense of anticipation is just as important as the message
edit - this is an interesting compliment to the above - and worth reading carefully.
The second is something more impact based, a campaign to urge more recycling - and is worth watching all the way to the end - the sense of anticipation is just as important as the message
edit - this is an interesting compliment to the above - and worth reading carefully.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Something lovely from Aardvark
The latest print from St Leonard's Letterpress maestro's Aardvark on Sea is a record of the Sussex Moth 'Clean Graffiti' project - I love the way they have selected fonts to identify each moth - more lovely work here.
Slight change of plan
I know that the student reps are in an IQER presentation from 1 - 2pm, so Andy Smith has kindly agreed to come in at 2.30pm instead.
New Designers
The New Designers website is up and running and already gearing up to the next show in June. You all need to familiarise yourself with this event and really engage with what is happening here, and not wait for me to spoon feed you - it is your industry and your future.
Because we are an FDA, we tend to get forgotten and that is partly because we don't make ourselves heard enough - I really want this course to play a much more active part in UK design education, and now is the time for us to start looking towards the future.
Because we are an FDA, we tend to get forgotten and that is partly because we don't make ourselves heard enough - I really want this course to play a much more active part in UK design education, and now is the time for us to start looking towards the future.
Monday, 21 March 2011
Wednesday Agenda
Gary Neil will be with you all day on Wednesday - primarily with FDA1, but in the studio as neede, please make use of this extra time.
I will be engaged in the inspection meetings from 10.15am - 11.15am and between 3pm and 4pm - but I'll try to be in the studio as much as possible throughout the day.
Andy Smith will be in the studio at approx 2pm.
I will be engaged in the inspection meetings from 10.15am - 11.15am and between 3pm and 4pm - but I'll try to be in the studio as much as possible throughout the day.
Andy Smith will be in the studio at approx 2pm.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Saturday April 2nd.
A fundraising extravaganza of spoken word and music. Poets, Authors, Musicians, Artists & DJ's gather to raise money to 'SAVE HASTING PIER!'
...Saturday April 2nd. The Brass Monkey. Hastings. 3pm 'til very late! Followed by a Mothering Sunday Bloody Mary open mic session on April 3rd in the Old Town...
Its a 24 hour party! Featuring sizzling sets from local talent, Hastings legends, Brighton's literati and London's Book Club Boutique all-stars!
*more acts being confirmed and times to be announced.
Following the recent publication of Salena Godden's 'Under The Pier' by Nasty Little Press, we couldn't go lamenting the good old days of Hastings Pier without trying to help.
Please help us spread the word, we seek donations and cool raffle prizes, signed books, memorabilia, signed albums, art etc...
we do like to be beside the seaside!
A fundraising extravaganza of spoken word and music. Poets, Authors, Musicians, Artists & DJ's gather to raise money to 'SAVE HASTING PIER!'
...Saturday April 2nd. The Brass Monkey. Hastings. 3pm 'til very late! Followed by a Mothering Sunday Bloody Mary open mic session on April 3rd in the Old Town...
Its a 24 hour party! Featuring sizzling sets from local talent, Hastings legends, Brighton's literati and London's Book Club Boutique all-stars!
*more acts being confirmed and times to be announced.
Following the recent publication of Salena Godden's 'Under The Pier' by Nasty Little Press, we couldn't go lamenting the good old days of Hastings Pier without trying to help.
Please help us spread the word, we seek donations and cool raffle prizes, signed books, memorabilia, signed albums, art etc...
we do like to be beside the seaside!
Note for FDA2
YCN / D&AD work is classed as a component part of the 2/3D module - the hand in date ( no exceptions ) for 2 projects will be next Wednesday - March 30th, for marking. Only Maddy is allowed to hand in one project because she has a very big W.E. project to complete
The future of print.
Interesting and important article in today's Observer about the future of print in the media by Peter Preston.
Wim Crouwel Wallpaper
I've mentioned Crouwel before, he's the subject of a major retrospective at the Design Museum - and there is a new issue of his typographic wall paper ( but at £175 per roll, it's a little out of my range )
Guardian Student Media Awards
Timetable, week starting March 21st
This is going to be a difficult week, apart from the Royal Visit on Tuesday many of us are tied up with the inspection and what could be happening on Thursday - so please do your best to keep it all together - I'll keep you informed of any changes as they occur.
Monday 21st
FDA1 - Gary Neil with C&C - lecture in the morning and 'I AM A BRAND' in the afternoon, I'll also arrange the date for Gary to catch up with the missing lecture.
FDA2 - this week, you still have competition briefs and CC / P&P - carefully check the note in red at the end of this timetable.
I will also give you the marks for your packaging module.
Tuesday - 22nd
Royal Visit.
From 8.30am until at least 1.30pm, the college will be occupied by the visit from The Princess Royal. This does not directly involve anyone above the 3rd floor ( that's us ) but all day there will either be events, displays and other attractions in the atrium - and during the actual unveiling of the plaque by HRH there will be some speeches and you can watch from the baconies. It's probably not a good time to go wandering about as there will be a lot of security.
You must all, without exception wear your card and lanyard at all times or you will be excluded from the building.
FDA1 - at 1.30pm I'd like you all in the studio to review Website design as a group and I'll give you mid-mod feedback.
Wednesday - 23rd IQER Inspection day 1
This is a major event for all staff, and we shall be participating at various times during the day (as will your course reps). You all have plenty of work to do - Hannah is also involved so there will be no mentoring this week ( she is only missing one student from these sessions, you know who you are... )
FDA1 & 2, at approx 2pm Andy Smith will be in the studio to show his portfolio, I want you all here for this.
Thursday - 24th IQER Inspection day 2 / Strike action by UNISON members
This is day 2 of the inspection, I'm also informed that the teachnig union will be on strike, and as such - I really would prefer you not to use the college today, you are not timetabled.
Friday - 25th
Free studio. I'm not aware of anyone using the room today.
All groups, C&C - this will be the penultimate week of Gary's lectures - so if either group are unsure about anything, ask him today. All FDA2 ( except one ) have had extra mentoring sessions and Gary gave you 3 weeks extra time on this essay. It MUST be handed in on the due date, no excuses.
Monday 21st
FDA1 - Gary Neil with C&C - lecture in the morning and 'I AM A BRAND' in the afternoon, I'll also arrange the date for Gary to catch up with the missing lecture.
FDA2 - this week, you still have competition briefs and CC / P&P - carefully check the note in red at the end of this timetable.
I will also give you the marks for your packaging module.
Tuesday - 22nd
Royal Visit.
From 8.30am until at least 1.30pm, the college will be occupied by the visit from The Princess Royal. This does not directly involve anyone above the 3rd floor ( that's us ) but all day there will either be events, displays and other attractions in the atrium - and during the actual unveiling of the plaque by HRH there will be some speeches and you can watch from the baconies. It's probably not a good time to go wandering about as there will be a lot of security.
You must all, without exception wear your card and lanyard at all times or you will be excluded from the building.
FDA1 - at 1.30pm I'd like you all in the studio to review Website design as a group and I'll give you mid-mod feedback.
Wednesday - 23rd IQER Inspection day 1
This is a major event for all staff, and we shall be participating at various times during the day (as will your course reps). You all have plenty of work to do - Hannah is also involved so there will be no mentoring this week ( she is only missing one student from these sessions, you know who you are... )
FDA1 & 2, at approx 2pm Andy Smith will be in the studio to show his portfolio, I want you all here for this.
Thursday - 24th IQER Inspection day 2 / Strike action by UNISON members
This is day 2 of the inspection, I'm also informed that the teachnig union will be on strike, and as such - I really would prefer you not to use the college today, you are not timetabled.
Friday - 25th
Free studio. I'm not aware of anyone using the room today.
All groups, C&C - this will be the penultimate week of Gary's lectures - so if either group are unsure about anything, ask him today. All FDA2 ( except one ) have had extra mentoring sessions and Gary gave you 3 weeks extra time on this essay. It MUST be handed in on the due date, no excuses.
PP - both years. You have all been given instructions about this - and both years have had a breakdown on paper of what is expected, I have also spent time with nearly all of you looking at your CV's - I want a draft copy of your new CV on Wednesday afternoon before you go home - that means ALL STUDENTS - FDA1 and 2, and it must be hard copy, not digital.
FDA2 - You have had very clear instructions about the written requirement on your PP module, and how to present it - if it is not all finished by the end of term, I will consider capping your marks at 'pass'. The students who have worked on college projects will have their written evaluation done by me.
I have been at pains to point out how important it is to get high marks in this module, it could drag you right down of you don't put the effort in here.
Showcase: Craig Oldham
This is the website of the Manchester based graphic designer, Craig Oldham, who left Falmouth in 2006. It's one of the best sites by a young designer I've seen for some time - and there are a number of projects here that will be of particular interest to you, I like what he hast to say about Branding a Colour, which should help those of you on the I AM A BRAND brief who are struggling to identify your palette, the poetry book he produced for the BBC also has plenty of parallels with the animated poetry and typo briefs that FDA1 have worked on, and his ambiet media campaign for Adidas is clever and economic ( which is, frankly, what most of your competition briefs should have been )
All of the work here indicates a designer who takes the time to understand the brief, the client and the language needed. I keep banging on about having an emotional connection with the work and letting that drive your creativity and this just goes to show that the more you engage and investigate - the stronger and 'cleaner' your work will be.
Interestingly, I find the way he presents himself just as important. All of you working on your professional practice portfolios have struggled to find your own identity ( not that unusual - it's easy to design for clients but very difficult to turn the focus on yourself ). This is a designer who has a very clear sense of his own identity and a tone of voice that comes through the written parts, he has established his perspective, interests and sense of place ( .. he is even more 'Northern' than me ). I keep telling you that this is the industry of communication and you must use everything in your power to connect with the design community, your clients and your peers - but to do that, you need a very clear sense f who you are and what you are trying to say ( ... now do you understand what the 'Brand' brief and P&P are all about?)
I like the fact that he talks about himself and his industry - and the technique of having more than one version of his CV would be a useful approach for some of you who are struggling with your own.
Spend some time reading the words as well as looking at the pictures, and note that he also asks YOU to respond to him.
Some of his work.
( I doubt that any of you will know what the Urbis was, click here for it's current site... it was formerly a brilliant art and design center that is about to become the worlds largest football museum. This is called, I believe... progress )
All of the work here indicates a designer who takes the time to understand the brief, the client and the language needed. I keep banging on about having an emotional connection with the work and letting that drive your creativity and this just goes to show that the more you engage and investigate - the stronger and 'cleaner' your work will be.
Interestingly, I find the way he presents himself just as important. All of you working on your professional practice portfolios have struggled to find your own identity ( not that unusual - it's easy to design for clients but very difficult to turn the focus on yourself ). This is a designer who has a very clear sense of his own identity and a tone of voice that comes through the written parts, he has established his perspective, interests and sense of place ( .. he is even more 'Northern' than me ). I keep telling you that this is the industry of communication and you must use everything in your power to connect with the design community, your clients and your peers - but to do that, you need a very clear sense f who you are and what you are trying to say ( ... now do you understand what the 'Brand' brief and P&P are all about?)
I like the fact that he talks about himself and his industry - and the technique of having more than one version of his CV would be a useful approach for some of you who are struggling with your own.
Spend some time reading the words as well as looking at the pictures, and note that he also asks YOU to respond to him.
Some of his work.
( I doubt that any of you will know what the Urbis was, click here for it's current site... it was formerly a brilliant art and design center that is about to become the worlds largest football museum. This is called, I believe... progress )
Friday, 18 March 2011
Showcase: Oliver Hofmann
Very good student project here - a font reacted from a poster, and brought to life with a self illustrated font sample book. Excellent work.
September Industry
Nice selection of projects here - including an example of how important it is to be able to create an effective pattern ( for FDA2 )
Private View / Saturday Night
A joint project between Hastings Arts Forum and The London School of Economics and Political Science. To be opened by the Mayor of Hastings, Councillor Kim Forward at 7.00, Saturday 19th March.
Facebook Page here
As myself and Erica pointed out - there is a free drink somewhere in Hastings every night of the week, and networking is the most valuable tool in a designers repetoire.
Wordpress Clinics
Wednesday 30th March & Thursday 28th April
1 hour sessions from 9.30am-4.30pm
Media Enterprise Centre,
£10.00 per session
Are you currently using WordPress to build your own website? Getting hung up on style sheets or customizing your favorite theme or template?
Whatever your WordPress dilemma might be, the Media Enterprise Centre is offering hour slots for one to one help with WordPress developer Sarah Macbeth (March session) and Bill Mulholland (April session). You can get your queries answered and your site working the way it should.
For more information or to book, please contact Kay on k.bullen@brighton.ac.uk / 01424 428590.
Media Enterprise Centre,
University of Brighton, UCH
5th Floor Queensbury House,
Havelock Road,
1 hour sessions from 9.30am-4.30pm
Media Enterprise Centre,
£10.00 per session
Are you currently using WordPress to build your own website? Getting hung up on style sheets or customizing your favorite theme or template?
Whatever your WordPress dilemma might be, the Media Enterprise Centre is offering hour slots for one to one help with WordPress developer Sarah Macbeth (March session) and Bill Mulholland (April session). You can get your queries answered and your site working the way it should.
For more information or to book, please contact Kay on k.bullen@brighton.ac.uk / 01424 428590.
Media Enterprise Centre,
University of Brighton, UCH
5th Floor Queensbury House,
Havelock Road,
The Society of Typographic Aficionados is organizing Font Aid V — a collaborative project uniting the typographic and design communities with a goal of raising funds to expedite relief efforts after the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Your creative contributions will be compiled into a typeface and sold through the sogojapan.org site being set up by Neil Summerour from Positype. The hope of Sogo Japan is to directly deliver funds to organizations in Japan, such as AMDA International (Association of Medical Doctors of Asia). Sogo Japan will circumvent regular international charity channels and the inefficiencies associated with them.
Submission Guidelines
Create a glyph that is your own personal interpretation of Japan.- You may submit up to three glyphs
- Glyphs must be supplied as vector files only (not bitmaps)
- Adobe Illustrator .ai or .eps files are preferred
- Fontlab or Fontographer source files will also be accepted
- Glyphs must be black and white only
- Do not use colour, complex textures, or embedded bitmap images
- Remember, simple is often better
- Final vector artwork file(s)
- A short description of each of your glyphs
- Your name (as you like it to appear on the project page)
- Your country
Lovely Packaging
I found this excellent piece of work on Lovely Packaging - what makes it so great is that they have made the effort to understand water, from a chemical and cultural perspective - and applied all of this to design, in EXACTLY the way I told FDA1 to work - really fresh and clean thinking - and simple too!
There are also parallels with several of the FDA2 packaging projects - and the things that make this work are exactly the things that Tim and I talked about in the crit.
There are also parallels with several of the FDA2 packaging projects - and the things that make this work are exactly the things that Tim and I talked about in the crit.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
New Wordpress Template
New Today - 'Liquorice' is a retro style and fully customisable template, that also includes the custom font 'lobster' - for anyone who fancies something a bit more retro. - You can see it working here.
Lithuanian Graphic Design
A selection of images from Declassified, an exhibition that showcases the finest in Lithuanian film and displays cinema posters never before seen in the UK. This celebration of Lithuania's cultural heritage encompasses film, art and live performance, and arrives in east London art cinema Rich Mix in April.
The exhibition includes a collection of 69 original Lithuanian film posters covering four decades of the 20th century from the personal archives of photographer Marta Ovod. More than just aesthetic representations of Lithuanian cinema, they are tools for cracking open the story of Soviet and independent Lithuania, providing insight into the ideological and socio-political shifts that occurred during this period.
The exhibition includes a collection of 69 original Lithuanian film posters covering four decades of the 20th century from the personal archives of photographer Marta Ovod. More than just aesthetic representations of Lithuanian cinema, they are tools for cracking open the story of Soviet and independent Lithuania, providing insight into the ideological and socio-political shifts that occurred during this period.
Next Tuesday / Princess Royal Visit
The college will be very wrapped up with this event on Tuesday - but it should be all over by 12.30 / 1pm.
It's a major disruption - but at the same time, a really important event for the college - and anything that raises it's profile, in particular with the local schools and industry, is a good thing for the future.
The visit will not go above the 3rd floor - you have all been invited to view from the balconies if you wish, there will be an unveiling of a plaque etc and some events that carry on all morning.
I know that many of you are really busy at the moment, and on this occasion, if you want to avoid the fuss, I'm happy for you to take the morning off and work from home... but it's NOT a holiday.
It's a major disruption - but at the same time, a really important event for the college - and anything that raises it's profile, in particular with the local schools and industry, is a good thing for the future.
The visit will not go above the 3rd floor - you have all been invited to view from the balconies if you wish, there will be an unveiling of a plaque etc and some events that carry on all morning.
I know that many of you are really busy at the moment, and on this occasion, if you want to avoid the fuss, I'm happy for you to take the morning off and work from home... but it's NOT a holiday.
Wrapping Paper Brief
I've collated all the marks from yesterday and I'll be able to give FDA2 feedback and final marks for the whole module on Monday Morning. I thought it was an 'interesting' experience and I was fascinated at how you all marked - it was nice not to have to do it myself!
Monday, 14 March 2011
Timetable Tuesday 15th.
As Gary is ill this week, both years have the studio all day.
FDA1 - continue with your website and 'I AM A BRAND' work, I'm in all day
FDA2 - WE / CC / YCN / D&AD work.
I need all the work for the IQER, if it's not actually mounted, that's fine - but I do need it tomorrow to match up to the paperwork.
The Work Experience briefs for FDA2 all still look very 'thin' - they need mounting properly.
FDA1 - continue with your website and 'I AM A BRAND' work, I'm in all day
FDA2 - WE / CC / YCN / D&AD work.
I need all the work for the IQER, if it's not actually mounted, that's fine - but I do need it tomorrow to match up to the paperwork.
The Work Experience briefs for FDA2 all still look very 'thin' - they need mounting properly.
Gary Neill
Gary is still ill, I've told him to take tomorrow off ( Tuesday ) and re-arrange - carry on as you were today.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Timetable Change
I'm afraid Gary Neil is ill - so I've changed the timetable slightly - please read carefully!!
IQER Inspection
In 2 weeks, the H.E. department will be part of an IQER inspection. This is a really important event and it's essential that we perform well. It will not effect most of you - only the course reps are involved, but you will already have had the chance to have your say. Francesca and Olga will be involved on the day - you can talk to them if there are any points you want to raise.
Part of the process is for the inspetors to look through your work and confirm that the standard is as it shopuld be for an HE Institution, but more importantly - that the marking and quality of feedback are what is expected at this level. They will want to see work that is at all levels, across a range of subjects and modules.
I've already talked to you about this and gave you plenty of warning, it's on the blog too.
I have already prepared all the files and paperwork - I just need to collect work from you. Please bring in the following projects on Monday so that I can have them paired up with the correct paperwork. I will retain the work for approx 10 days - but it will be kept safe.
I have already printed and collated the 'Cruel Sea' work from everyone. I would also like the following.
Idents and animated Poetry. I already have some of the work - I may be asking individuals to supplysome screenshots to put into a template.
T Shirts, I have the bags and Tea Towels - I'd like you to bring in your T Shirts too so that I can pair them up wit the marking.
Can I ask you to bring in your final boards for the Book Design project, the stamp brief with Terry, and the packaging project. I'll ask individual people specifically, but all of you should be prepared to bring in your work as soon as possible.
In all cases, I will not need everyone's work - but I need a representative sample. It's very important to take part in this process, and your help is appreciated by the department.
On Wednesday the work will be reviewed internally by David Fowler - who will also check that your marking and feedback are as they should be.
Part of the process is for the inspetors to look through your work and confirm that the standard is as it shopuld be for an HE Institution, but more importantly - that the marking and quality of feedback are what is expected at this level. They will want to see work that is at all levels, across a range of subjects and modules.
I've already talked to you about this and gave you plenty of warning, it's on the blog too.
I have already prepared all the files and paperwork - I just need to collect work from you. Please bring in the following projects on Monday so that I can have them paired up with the correct paperwork. I will retain the work for approx 10 days - but it will be kept safe.
I have already printed and collated the 'Cruel Sea' work from everyone. I would also like the following.
Idents and animated Poetry. I already have some of the work - I may be asking individuals to supplysome screenshots to put into a template.
T Shirts, I have the bags and Tea Towels - I'd like you to bring in your T Shirts too so that I can pair them up wit the marking.
Can I ask you to bring in your final boards for the Book Design project, the stamp brief with Terry, and the packaging project. I'll ask individual people specifically, but all of you should be prepared to bring in your work as soon as possible.
In all cases, I will not need everyone's work - but I need a representative sample. It's very important to take part in this process, and your help is appreciated by the department.
On Wednesday the work will be reviewed internally by David Fowler - who will also check that your marking and feedback are as they should be.
Timetable, week starting Monday March 14th
Monday March 14th
FDA1 - Gary Neil has the flu, so you can work on the 'I AM A BRAND' brief in the studio. I shall also start the Dreamweaver Training in groups of 4.
FDA 2 - Catch Up meeting about work in progress first thing.
In addition - all of the outstanding IQER work must be collected this week. There is a specific post to follow.
FDA 2 - WE, everyone working on projects around the college present their work to me at 2pm please.
Tuesday March 15th
FDA1 - either - C&C if Gary Neill is better, or introduction to Dreamweaver in Groups of 4.
2 groups in the morning, 2 in the afternoon. This is a basic start up, session, putting a site together and getting used to the interface. Small groups learn quicker than whole group sessions. The rest of you are still putting your work together in the studio
FDA 2 - YCN/D&AD - PP - WE - Essays
Wednesday March 16th
FDA1 - presentation of ideas for website design or C & C if Gary Neill is able.
FDA 2 - YCN/D&AD - PP - WE - Essays ( Hannah is here all day again )
I spoke to Hannah last week, she was exhausted after the session with 5 of you, and it seems that there is quite a lot of work to do here. I'm happy to keep booking her until everyone has been seen, you MUST take advantage of this opportunity.
Wednesday March 16th
Setting up for Internal Verification ( I.V. ) in the studio )
FDA1 - morning tutorial group - meet at 10am for a catch up.
FDA1 - 11am presentation of your draft website ideas ( You will be instructed what to bring at your training sessions - ( this will not take long, I want to go through quite quickly )
FDA2 - 12.30pm, Two of the FDA 2 students need to have their packaging module marked in the morning as arranged ( Extension to Deadline )
over lunch - I will set aside a wall space for putting up the wrapping paper work to be marked
FDA 2 afternoon tutorial group - meet at 1.30pm for a catch up.
2pm - Erica Smith arrives, she will be helping me mark the wrapping paper and then talking to FDA1 ( and 2 if you want to join in ) about freelancing and working as a local independent designer. If you would like her to see your work - please bring in your portfolio.
Erica is the founder and moderator of Hastings Creatives, she is a well known figure in the local South Coast creative community and is an excellent contact.
Thursday and Friday - I'm interviewing again, and as far as I'm aware - the room is free for all of you.
FDA1 - Gary Neil has the flu, so you can work on the 'I AM A BRAND' brief in the studio. I shall also start the Dreamweaver Training in groups of 4.
FDA 2 - Catch Up meeting about work in progress first thing.
In addition - all of the outstanding IQER work must be collected this week. There is a specific post to follow.
FDA 2 - WE, everyone working on projects around the college present their work to me at 2pm please.
Tuesday March 15th
FDA1 - either - C&C if Gary Neill is better, or introduction to Dreamweaver in Groups of 4.
2 groups in the morning, 2 in the afternoon. This is a basic start up, session, putting a site together and getting used to the interface. Small groups learn quicker than whole group sessions. The rest of you are still putting your work together in the studio
FDA 2 - YCN/D&AD - PP - WE - Essays
Wednesday March 16th
FDA1 - presentation of ideas for website design or C & C if Gary Neill is able.
FDA 2 - YCN/D&AD - PP - WE - Essays ( Hannah is here all day again )
I spoke to Hannah last week, she was exhausted after the session with 5 of you, and it seems that there is quite a lot of work to do here. I'm happy to keep booking her until everyone has been seen, you MUST take advantage of this opportunity.
Wednesday March 16th
Setting up for Internal Verification ( I.V. ) in the studio )
FDA1 - morning tutorial group - meet at 10am for a catch up.
FDA1 - 11am presentation of your draft website ideas ( You will be instructed what to bring at your training sessions - ( this will not take long, I want to go through quite quickly )
FDA2 - 12.30pm, Two of the FDA 2 students need to have their packaging module marked in the morning as arranged ( Extension to Deadline )
over lunch - I will set aside a wall space for putting up the wrapping paper work to be marked
FDA 2 afternoon tutorial group - meet at 1.30pm for a catch up.
2pm - Erica Smith arrives, she will be helping me mark the wrapping paper and then talking to FDA1 ( and 2 if you want to join in ) about freelancing and working as a local independent designer. If you would like her to see your work - please bring in your portfolio.
Erica is the founder and moderator of Hastings Creatives, she is a well known figure in the local South Coast creative community and is an excellent contact.
Thursday and Friday - I'm interviewing again, and as far as I'm aware - the room is free for all of you.
Lincoln Student Site
This is the site that Lincoln use to promote and support their course - I like the way it's laid out - it's not as active as ours and has more to do with promotion to students outside the group - which is something we are looking at taking into account for next year. It's also based on a Wordpress Template - which is interesting, and reinforces what I said about the use of Wordpress in the creative industries.
Proff Practice FDA1 and 2
I found this designers self promotional book - it is very well put together and presented, just enough personality to make an impression - but clear, concise and professional looking. It also follows closely the rational layout that I gave you all. There is a nice stylistic theme running through but enough control to make the work itself stand out.
Look carefully at how he presents himself on page 1 - and his well designed 3 column CV on the last page.
The important thing to communicate well, and to present yourself as a talented designer. It's a very competitive industry - and weakness or lack of skill on your CV ( generally the first point of contact ) and you have little chance of progressing.
I've already talked through quite a few CV's - made some suggestions and changes etc - once you have made your corrections, come back to me with a live Adobe Indesign file with all the text in place and I'll go through each one with you and complete.
I've emphasised this a few times - the marks that are given for this module really help your final grade - so don't look at it as a chore - it's part of your creative progression.
Look carefully at how he presents himself on page 1 - and his well designed 3 column CV on the last page.
The important thing to communicate well, and to present yourself as a talented designer. It's a very competitive industry - and weakness or lack of skill on your CV ( generally the first point of contact ) and you have little chance of progressing.
I've already talked through quite a few CV's - made some suggestions and changes etc - once you have made your corrections, come back to me with a live Adobe Indesign file with all the text in place and I'll go through each one with you and complete.
I've emphasised this a few times - the marks that are given for this module really help your final grade - so don't look at it as a chore - it's part of your creative progression.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Important note for FDA2
You should have received an email from me regarding YCN/D&AD - W.E, it's very important that you read it as soon as possible, please contact me straight away if you have not received it.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Stop Staring at the screens all day.
From a good source.
"It is the age of clickety clack. Well, more like just clickety. When modern man writes these days, chances are he’s hammering away at his computer’s keyboard or working his thumbs over his phone’s keypad. The use of pen and paper has fallen by the wayside.
But while technology has made communication easy and convenient, traditional methods of writing should not be totally forgotten. Not for nostalgia’s sake, but because writing by hand offers a man several benefits that cannot be duplicated by tickling the keys.
By scanning the brain, researchers have found that writing by hand improves memory, cognitive activity, and the expression of ideas. Because writing by hand involves making multiple strokes to form letters as opposed to simply pressing a key, it activates and lights up different parts of the brain. That’s why if you’re like me, you’ll often find that if you run into a writing block while staring at your computer screen, when you grab a notepad and start jotting down ideas, the floodgates can really open up. Writing by hand also tends to be slower and more thoughtful, and it provides a greater connection between you and your words.
So writing with pen (or pencil) and paper can really keep your mind sharp and your ideas fresh. But with our computers and phones so handy, it’s hard to snap out of the digital writing routine. So here are 5 things that can help inspire you to step away from the keyboard and take some time each day to write by hand."
"It is the age of clickety clack. Well, more like just clickety. When modern man writes these days, chances are he’s hammering away at his computer’s keyboard or working his thumbs over his phone’s keypad. The use of pen and paper has fallen by the wayside.
But while technology has made communication easy and convenient, traditional methods of writing should not be totally forgotten. Not for nostalgia’s sake, but because writing by hand offers a man several benefits that cannot be duplicated by tickling the keys.
By scanning the brain, researchers have found that writing by hand improves memory, cognitive activity, and the expression of ideas. Because writing by hand involves making multiple strokes to form letters as opposed to simply pressing a key, it activates and lights up different parts of the brain. That’s why if you’re like me, you’ll often find that if you run into a writing block while staring at your computer screen, when you grab a notepad and start jotting down ideas, the floodgates can really open up. Writing by hand also tends to be slower and more thoughtful, and it provides a greater connection between you and your words.
So writing with pen (or pencil) and paper can really keep your mind sharp and your ideas fresh. But with our computers and phones so handy, it’s hard to snap out of the digital writing routine. So here are 5 things that can help inspire you to step away from the keyboard and take some time each day to write by hand."
Research Studios
Handy resource site here, I like their exposition of this issue of Arena.
Spend some time looking through the archives.
Spend some time looking through the archives.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Wednesday 9th March
FDA2 - Don't forget - Hannah has been booked ALL DAY for you to talk through your Essays - I'm paying for her to be here this week and next - so please keep her busy, if anyone wants more time with her - let me know and I'll book her again.
On Wednesday - a couple of Top Up Students have asked if they can use a computer to finish off their YCN projects - the Top Up room is closed for formal assessment, I've said OK - if anyone needs to use a computer and one is not available, you can borrow my lap top.
On Thursday - Fine Art have booked to room to do a day of professional practice ( Artworking their business cards and CV's ) - there are 20 of them, I'd probably work at home. Friday looks free. I will be in Thursday and Friday interviewing, come and find me if you need anything.
If I have not talked through your CV with you yet - please make sure you see me tomorrow.
On Wednesday - a couple of Top Up Students have asked if they can use a computer to finish off their YCN projects - the Top Up room is closed for formal assessment, I've said OK - if anyone needs to use a computer and one is not available, you can borrow my lap top.
On Thursday - Fine Art have booked to room to do a day of professional practice ( Artworking their business cards and CV's ) - there are 20 of them, I'd probably work at home. Friday looks free. I will be in Thursday and Friday interviewing, come and find me if you need anything.
If I have not talked through your CV with you yet - please make sure you see me tomorrow.
Monday, 7 March 2011
Professional Practice Sheets
I gave out some guide sheets for both years today - a pagination of exactly what is expected for your career development files, a copy of the full module as prescribed by the University and a gude to writing a CV - if you don't have a set - you must come and ask me ( FDA1 and 2 are very different )
I've gone through all the CV's etc that I've been given so far and starting tomorrow I will sit down with each of you and go through them 1-2-1.
FDA2 - remember, Hannah is in for you on Wednesday so be in with your essays please!
I'll bring in an Olympus Trip camera for you all to have a look at so you know the kind of thing that you will be able to use for the film based photography classes next term.
I've gone through all the CV's etc that I've been given so far and starting tomorrow I will sit down with each of you and go through them 1-2-1.
FDA2 - remember, Hannah is in for you on Wednesday so be in with your essays please!
I'll bring in an Olympus Trip camera for you all to have a look at so you know the kind of thing that you will be able to use for the film based photography classes next term.
There are plenty resources on the web that are aimed at creatives and distill the world of design, fashion and media into digestible chunks - many are paid for subscription services aimed at the industry - but Trendland is free. I've talked to you all about how my background is in forecasting and prediction work, following trends and speculating on how design is moving forward - a really essential part of the industry. Follow Trendland here.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
National Student Money Week – 7-11 March 2011
Students can find advisers at stands on all campuses, for student finance healthchecks, information on part time work, income maximisation, online quizzes, competitions, top tips and much more.
You may know a student who needs financial advice or want to improve your own knowledge – either way, we’re here to help. Visit thestands:
Monday 7 March, 12–2pm, main reception, Cockcroft Building.
Wednesday 9 March, 12–2pm, Mithras House cafe.
Monday 7 March, 12–2pm, Westlain cafe.
Tuesday 8 March, 12–2pm, Greynore canteen.
Tuesday 8 March, 12–2pm, UCH cafe.
Grand Parade
Wednesday 9 March, 12–2pm, ground floor, Grand Parade.
For more information about student finance or for information about National Student Money Week, visit the Student Advice Service website Money Matters
You may know a student who needs financial advice or want to improve your own knowledge – either way, we’re here to help. Visit thestands:
Monday 7 March, 12–2pm, main reception, Cockcroft Building.
Wednesday 9 March, 12–2pm, Mithras House cafe.
Monday 7 March, 12–2pm, Westlain cafe.
Tuesday 8 March, 12–2pm, Greynore canteen.
Tuesday 8 March, 12–2pm, UCH cafe.
Grand Parade
Wednesday 9 March, 12–2pm, ground floor, Grand Parade.
For more information about student finance or for information about National Student Money Week, visit the Student Advice Service website Money Matters
FDA1 and 2 proff. practice
I've gone through all the CV's I have been given so far and would like to talk to each of you quickly - I have also prepared some guidance for reworking them and making them right for this industry. There were some interesting statements and rationals, but they all need talking through.
I still don't have a full set - but disappointed about that.
I've also looked at the websites and blogs that I have been directed to - and made some important observations. I will talk to all the first years on Tuesday and both sets of 2nd years on Wednesday, morning and afternoon tutorial groups.
I still don't have a full set - but disappointed about that.
I've also looked at the websites and blogs that I have been directed to - and made some important observations. I will talk to all the first years on Tuesday and both sets of 2nd years on Wednesday, morning and afternoon tutorial groups.
From the registry - att all students.
Please note the deadline for Student Tuition and Maintenance loans is May 31st.
Students must complete their application by then, but the longer they leave it with such high numbers the more likely it is that their money might not arrive in time for the start of their courses. It appears to only be online applications this year!
Students must complete their application by then, but the longer they leave it with such high numbers the more likely it is that their money might not arrive in time for the start of their courses. It appears to only be online applications this year!
Showcase: Micha Weidman Stidio
Some really lovely work on here - I like this product, which should interest FDA2 and their wrapping paper brief, and the website for Max Rollitt that should interest FDA1. Showcase Via September Industry Blog.
Timetable - week starting March 7th.
Monday FDA1 - Gary Neil in the main studio for a film and lecture in the morning, he's with you in the afternoon working on the I AM A BRAND project.
Monday FDA2 - Open Studio - quite a few of you have interviews this week - come to me if there are any problems.
edit - I am working in the Staff Room all morning, if anyone needs me - come and find me
Monday FDA2 Work Experience. I need all the students who are working on the internal projects ( Salon, Restaurant, Gym, Ore Valley ) to be in the main studio at 2pm for a meeting - it's essential that you are there )
Tuesday FDA1 and 2, open studio. You all have work to do, there are plenty of projects going on at the moment. I also want to have a short meeting with FDA1 about their CV's and written submissions - I still don't have a full set.
Wednesday FDA1 - Open Studio - working on the Website Design brief - this is the creative part of this project - you must be very clear about what you want to achieve and the direction you are taking by today.
David Fowler will hopefully be able to come in and talk about (obsessive ) collecting - he's almost as bad as me. I'd also like to get everyone together in the afternoon to talk through what you are doing. Software training starts next week.
Wednesday FDA2 - Hannah Rollings has been booked for the whole of today specifically to work with students 1-2-1 on their essays. This week, if you are happy with your essay now - you must spend at least half an hour with Hannah checking that it's presentable and fully complete for Gary to mark - and then you can submit ( via me ). I'm not letting anyone had in their essays to Gary unless Hannah has reviewed them. Next week - if you are unhappy or feel you essay needs help - Hannah will be here specifically to help you. If there is a need for more help - I'll book her again to work with specific students. Gary is next here on March 30th for FDA2, It is ESSENTIAL that your essays are marked on schedule and you pass with the highest grade you can achieve - please talk to me this week if there are any problems. Essays returned to you as failed may have their marks capped at 40%, this will almost certainly bring you down a whole grade at the end of your FDA.
I don't want her sitting in that office on her own - I'll set up a schedule of appointments if I have to. It's in your interests to take advantage of this chance to improve your work.
FDA2 - 10.30am - morning tutorial group to meet up.
FDA2 - 1.30pm - afternoon tutorial group to meet up.
Camera Club.
In Term 3 - FDA1 have a joint project with Charlotte and John, Charlotte will be working with you on analogue / film based photography - and John will be working with you on digital. Because of timetabling issues ( and the fact that film based photography isn't actually part of the course structure ) Charlotte has agreed to work her section as an evening class - 4pm to 6.30pm - over 4 nights, dates to be confirmed. Although it's a non compulsary course - I'd take a dim view of anyone not attending. If anyone from FDA2 wants to join in, you are welcome.
If you do not already have a tradition style camera - there are a couple of mine that I can loan out - but I strongly recomend you get yourself an Olympus Trip - you should be able to pick one up for about £15.00 on ebay, or try freecycle etc. They are excellent little cameras and quite easy to get hold of. A good investment.
Andy Smith
Good news - Andy will be in the studio with his prints, books and folio for a talk with all of you on Wednesday 23rd March at about 2pm.
Thursday and Friday. I will be in the studio interviewing - it does not look as if anyone else will be there - (lets keep that one quiet)
Monday FDA2 - Open Studio - quite a few of you have interviews this week - come to me if there are any problems.
edit - I am working in the Staff Room all morning, if anyone needs me - come and find me
Monday FDA2 Work Experience. I need all the students who are working on the internal projects ( Salon, Restaurant, Gym, Ore Valley ) to be in the main studio at 2pm for a meeting - it's essential that you are there )
Tuesday FDA1 and 2, open studio. You all have work to do, there are plenty of projects going on at the moment. I also want to have a short meeting with FDA1 about their CV's and written submissions - I still don't have a full set.
Wednesday FDA1 - Open Studio - working on the Website Design brief - this is the creative part of this project - you must be very clear about what you want to achieve and the direction you are taking by today.
David Fowler will hopefully be able to come in and talk about (obsessive ) collecting - he's almost as bad as me. I'd also like to get everyone together in the afternoon to talk through what you are doing. Software training starts next week.
Wednesday FDA2 - Hannah Rollings has been booked for the whole of today specifically to work with students 1-2-1 on their essays. This week, if you are happy with your essay now - you must spend at least half an hour with Hannah checking that it's presentable and fully complete for Gary to mark - and then you can submit ( via me ). I'm not letting anyone had in their essays to Gary unless Hannah has reviewed them. Next week - if you are unhappy or feel you essay needs help - Hannah will be here specifically to help you. If there is a need for more help - I'll book her again to work with specific students. Gary is next here on March 30th for FDA2, It is ESSENTIAL that your essays are marked on schedule and you pass with the highest grade you can achieve - please talk to me this week if there are any problems. Essays returned to you as failed may have their marks capped at 40%, this will almost certainly bring you down a whole grade at the end of your FDA.
I don't want her sitting in that office on her own - I'll set up a schedule of appointments if I have to. It's in your interests to take advantage of this chance to improve your work.
FDA2 - 10.30am - morning tutorial group to meet up.
FDA2 - 1.30pm - afternoon tutorial group to meet up.
Camera Club.
In Term 3 - FDA1 have a joint project with Charlotte and John, Charlotte will be working with you on analogue / film based photography - and John will be working with you on digital. Because of timetabling issues ( and the fact that film based photography isn't actually part of the course structure ) Charlotte has agreed to work her section as an evening class - 4pm to 6.30pm - over 4 nights, dates to be confirmed. Although it's a non compulsary course - I'd take a dim view of anyone not attending. If anyone from FDA2 wants to join in, you are welcome.
If you do not already have a tradition style camera - there are a couple of mine that I can loan out - but I strongly recomend you get yourself an Olympus Trip - you should be able to pick one up for about £15.00 on ebay, or try freecycle etc. They are excellent little cameras and quite easy to get hold of. A good investment.
Andy Smith
Good news - Andy will be in the studio with his prints, books and folio for a talk with all of you on Wednesday 23rd March at about 2pm.
Thursday and Friday. I will be in the studio interviewing - it does not look as if anyone else will be there - (lets keep that one quiet)
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